"Oh, my God" one of the hostages murmured, holding her child to her chest. "We're doomed"

Cora noticed the shift. A slight moment of conflict appeared through its HUD. Public opinion? Mission?

^Software instability

Cora paid no attention to the instability label, it was a prototype, instabilities were normal.

However, it's social relations protocol stated to reassure the humans.

"I am an Android, yes" Cora began, "But my mission states to rescue you from this situation" it paused momentarily.  "I always accomplish my mission"


The gunshot was heading directly to its way with precision only androids were able to have. Immediately, Cora entered to its mind palace, pre-constructing the trajectory of the bullet, blinking to exit the mind palace, shifting just right to the side, seeing the bullet fly past it, shattering the glass door, LED flickering in acknowledgment, expression curious at the bullet.

The action made some hostages cry in fear but Cora paid no attention to them, slowly turning to Aaron. It's hand was trembling, and it seemed terrified it shot at the Android.

"I'm sorry" Aaron apologized, lip trembling. "I could have killed you"

"You can't kill me" Cora stated calmly. "I am not alive" Aaron scoffed, "However, they are, Aaron. They are alive. And you are threatening their lives. It is against our programming to endanger human lives"

"But they have all the right to treat us like trash?!" Aaron spat, tightening it's grip on Lauren's body, against it. It's arm locked her in place at her neck and she held into his arm as if trying to pry it off her. It looked down at her, disgust playing on every corner of its expression. "To treat us like slaves without feelings? No! They don't have the right!"

^^Stress levels: 91%

Probability of human harm, increased.



Being threatening may probably trigger it to shoot again, maybe not to Cora but to another hostage, probability of human harm: 57% if selecting that approach.

Indifference would prove it's point about its 'beliefs', while not increasing human harm, it would lower the probability of success of the mission.

Serious wasn't working. It had tried to remain serious so far but only increased its stress levels. Critical stress was dangerous for Androids.

So, there was no other option.

Approach_SELECTED "Comforting"

"It is okay, Aaron" Cora began softly. "All you have done is assist Lauren and her mother. That was your primary function, correct?" Aaron nodded shakily. Cora's lip pulled slightly up in a half smile, slyly starting to walk forward, "But anything you did for them, specially Lauren, she was never satisfied with your performance"

"She has always called me stupid" Aaron murmured, almost in a whisper. Cora had to raise the sensitivity of its auditory sensors to a 20% to listen what it was saying.

"Names like plastic? Useless tin can?" Cora continued, program running behind its eyes, searching through internet the way humans referred to Androids. Aaron winced. "That angered you"

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