Chapter 18: A Happy Ending

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Warning: Mentions of suicide, please read with caution <33

Kaeya left Mondstadt shortly after our last encounter. His attempt to win me over failed once Diluc made his presence clear. Diluc and I started publicly dating, everyone was so excited for us.  Master Jean apologized to me for not taking my side when everything happened. Apparently Kaeya caused a lot of stress amongst the knights. Who would have guessed that. She offered me the position I lost, Captain. In fact, she said I could take Kaeya's spot. I declined. I explained to her that working at Angel's Share was the best decision I have ever made. And that, ultimately, lead to Diluc and I falling in love. She respected my decision and was off. 

Rosaria and I got back in touch as well. I was close with her when I was dating Kaeya, but drifted when everything happened. She said she didn't want Kaeya to suspect something, and was only friends with him to get information out of him. I told her I didn't have anything against her, even tho at the time she took Kaeya's side. A lot of people did. 

Venti is my best friend. I recently found out he is the Anemo Archon. So that's pretty cool. I got Noelle into the knights, since they are now short staff. Lisa gives me relationship advice, she's very experienced. Mondstadt as a whole feels so different and lively. I wish it was always like this. I wish I met Diluc first. 

But I'm glad things are the way they are now. Me and Diluc have been publicly dating for almost a year now, happy as could ever be. As much as it crushes Diluc to not have his brother back, it is for the best. 

As for my previous dreams, I disappointed my younger self. At the same time, I was a different person then. When you're that young, you have no idea what you want to do for the rest of your life. And fate had a different outcome for me. 

Diluc, my beloved. I love you more than you could ever understand. You picked me up after I had my hardest fall and nursed me back to health. I couldnt have asked for a better person, boyfriend, and best friend to have in my life. I wish to spend every hour with you, waking and sleeping hour. I wish to be the shoulder you cry on, the person who you feel the most comfortable with, the person who can make you happy, and to be the best girlfriend you could ask for. I don't think I would be here today if it wasn't for you. 

I love you. <3

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