Chapter 2: Strange

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"Y/n, I want to promote you to Captain." said our Acting Grand Master, Jean. I should be excited about this achievement except I wasn't. I was part of Kaeya's squad and have been for about two years now. It felt wrong to leave the love of my life's squad and start running my own. "I don't know about this." I stated, my stomach dropping to my knees.

"I get it. You're nervous and you don't want to leave Kaeya's side. But this is a great opportunity, you have the skills, and you're well respected. I think this would be perfect for you, career wise." Jean replied, sitting back in her chair. She was firm but she had good intentions. Anyone in my position would be flattered to hear this from Master Jean but I wanted to stay with Kaeya. I didn't want to leave his squad, the thought of that made me extremely uncomfortable. "Thank you for this opportunity but I believe there is someone else for the job." I said, trying so hard to be polite. "Y/n, how about you just do it for a week. If you like it, you can keep the position. If not, I will give it to someone else. But I really want you to try it out. Please."

"Fine I will."

Walking out of headquarters with this new position would have been amazing if I wasn't so dependent on Kaeya. We are the power couple of the knights for god sakes. Why would Master Jean separate us? "What's wrong?" Kaeya asked, seeing the worry painted onto my face. "I have my own squad now, so I am no longer in yours." I replied. I expected for him to be disappointed but the exact opposite happened. He looked almost relieved. "That's great baby, congrats" he said, kissing my cheek. Relieved. I didn't want to assume anything but his reaction had a weird vibe along with it. I really didn't like it.

After a week, I continued with my position as Captain. We were really productive and got a lot done. However, Kaeya became more and more distant from me. He stopped texting me, saying hi to me at work, and we haven't been seeing each other as much. My boyfriend of two years can't make an effort to see me. I left it as he was busy. But at this point, I was tired of it. After work, I was making my way to the tavern he normally goes to after work. Before I could walk through the door, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Rosaria standing behind me, looking like a lost puppy. From that face alone, I knew something was wrong.

"Y/n, we need to talk."

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