Author's note

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Hello and thank you for checking out this book. I decided to further exercise my writing before I return to my fantasy series (that's been living in my head for the past six years and begging to be written) so I decided to participate in Shiver me timbers contest.

In this book, you'll find nine short stories based on the prompts. The prompts are connected so the stories need to be read in order. I will try to make the stories cohesive but I can't promise I'll succeed in this.

Honestly, when I first saw this contest I had no intentions of participating whatsoever but of course, as is in my fashion I had to decide to take part the last week before the deadline. It was really not easy feet to write three entries in five days.

Anyway, I was really pleasantly surprised (and wanted to thank you for) by the positive feedback I received on my Rewind the classics story: The blackest of swans. It has really helped me for my low self-confidence (nothing I ever do is good enough!) really hinders me in writing and knowing somebody actually liked my writing really boosted my desire for writing.

So, I'm not sure if they are any good (sentences somehow sound awkward to me, and beware of my mortal enemy commas) but I hope you will like these stories as well. The limit is 1000 words so of course the stories won't be that detailed.

Here is a content list with prompts if you are interested:

1) Island of pirates and storms

1) Island of pirates and storms

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2) Island of elves and battles

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2) Island of elves and battles

2) Island of elves and battles

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3) Island of mermaids and spells

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3) Island of mermaids and spells

3) Island of mermaids and spells

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