Gay Besties

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[just pure joy]


"Kiko." Kiko shook her head upon hearing her name. "Huh what?" She asked. "I asked you what the square root of 3,600 is." The teacher said looking annoyed. "The square root of 3,600 is 60." Kiko answered. Shortly after she answered the question the bell rang and she was out of her seat. Finally lunch time. Kiko skipped down the hall towards class 3-7. "Ava!" She called out. Upon hearing her name being called the red head turned her green eyes to the girl. "C'mon it's time for lunch." Kiko smiled. Ava nodded and grabbed her backpack. She walked out of the classroom and started walking to the cafeteria with a bouncy Kiko at her side. "How was your class Kiko?" Ava asked. "Boring. The teacher called on me while I was zoned out. Seriously she has the most monotone voice I've ever heard. Like hunny maybe put some life into ya voice and I'll actually pay attention." Kiko ranted. Ava chuckled as the two walked over to their usual spot with Kyosuke, Thalia, Ryusaka, Hideki, Megumi, Ayama, Yeuri, and Harukasa. "Yo guys." Kiko waved happily. "Sup." Thalia held up the peace hand sign while biting into her bento.

"You seem very energetic today Kiki." Hideki chuckled. "No shit Sherlock. It's lunch time which means the day is half way over." Kiko smiled as she took out her lunch. She started eating while talking to Yeuri. "Any word on practice today?" Kiko asked. "Coach is sick so practice got cancelled for the day." Ayama told her. "So we just go home after school? Got it." Kiko nodded. The group continued eating lunch while discussing their classes. "So Ava. A little birdie told me someone's got their eye on you." Kyosuke chuckled. "Oh really?" Ava asked. "Yeah some guy on the baseball team in class 3-6." Hideki told her. "Well isn't that interesting." Ava chuckled. Kiko laughed with her but she squeezed the seat under the table. "Are ya gonna try and talk to him?" Megumi asked. "Hmmm maybe but at the moment I'd rather focus on classes and volleyball." Ava shrugged. Maybe?


"Okay sis spill." Crystal caught up to her sister after school. "What do you mean?" Kiko asked. "Oh don't lie. You've been pouting like a sad puppy since classes got out. So what's up?" Crystal asked. "Nothing Crys. Just tired." Kiko smiled. The two walked home and Kiko went straight to her room. Damnit am I that obvious? Kiko groaned into her pillow as a small fluffy white kitten jumped onto her bed. She looked up from her pillow as the kitty climbed onto her back and laid down. She giggled and pet the kitty's head. Maybe. That's not a yes but it's not a no either. Kiko grabbed her phone, opened her gallery, and saw a picture in her memories album.

First day of kindergarten

In the picture Kiko had her hand up while her arm was around Ava

We've always been together since we were little. But what'll happen when you leave high school? Find your one true love? Get married? What'll happen to us then?

[Okay maybe not a ton of joy but oh well]

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