*not a* Double Date

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You all purchase your own cinema tickets separately but Eddie insists that you let him buy you some snacks.
"Some popcorn for the princess?" He asks you.
"Eddie, I can buy my own snacks." You giggle, pulling out your purse to pay.
"Nuh-uh, no way, I wanna pay for you." He tells you and pushes your hand away that is clutching money. You smile and nod at him before returning the cash to your wallet and into your purse.
"Can't make you pay for the popcorn on our date..." He smirks, your face flushes pink as you remind him,
"This is not a date!"
"I know, I know. I'm just messing with ya!" He laughs before ordering a big tub of sweet popcorn for you and him to share along with two drinks.

"Would you uh... would you like anything?" Gareth stammers, his eyes shyly looking at Chrissy as he points to the popcorn machine behind the counter. She meets his gaze and gives him a sweet smile as she says,
"Yeah sure, thanks. We can share something if you like, you choose."
"You like sweet or salty?" He asks her, his voice softening.
"Sweet, please." She replies, her hands begin fidgeting with one another as she watches him purchase a big tub of popcorn.
"I'll get us some drinks, do you like soda?" Chrissy asks Gareth.
"Uhh yeah, yeah that's cool." He replies, his eyes fluttering between her and the floor.

Once the snacks and drinks are in hand, you all head into the theatre. Eddie insists on sitting right up on the back row, looking down from above on all the other cinema goers. He shuffles along the row before taking a seat and popping his drink into the cup holder and holding the popcorn in his lap. You sit beside him, then it's Chrissy and then Gareth right on the end. Eddie instantly begins scoffing into the popcorn.
"Heyyyy, at least try and save some for the actual movie!" You scold him and bat his hand away from the tub.
"S-sorry, can't help it." He apologises with his mouth full of popcorn, crunching on it loudly.

Gareth holds the tub of popcorn on the arm rest separating him and Chrissy so they can share and so that she doesn't need to reach into his lap to get it. He shakes the tub of popcorn slightly to grab her attention, when she turns to look at him he nods down at the popcorn as a silent offer to her. She smiles kindly and grabs a small handful, popping some into her mouth and turning her eyes back to the screen.

As the movie plays out on screen, Eddie makes himself comfortable in his seat with his legs splayed out, his shoulders slumped and his head leaning onto your shoulder. He keeps the popcorn in his lap, half empty now that he's stuffed himself full. You need to keep reaching a hand over into his lap to grab yourself some. This shouldn't turn him on, but admittedly it does.

Chrissy jumps and lets out little gasps at all the scary parts of the movie, lifting her delicate, little hands up to cover her eyes from the scenes on the big screen a few times. Gareth watches her out the corner of his eye and laughs quietly, nudging her lightly with his shoulder as some sort of comfort.
"We can get out of here if you want? You really don't really horror movies huh?" He whispers in a hushed tone into her ear.
"No no, it's ok. I am fine.. I don't wanna leave you guys." She whispers back, dropping her hands into her lap, "thanks though." She gives Gareth a warm smile, he notices the sparkle in her eye even in the dimly lit cinema.

Once the movie is over the four of them leave the theatre, readjusting their eyes to the bright lights of the mall after spending the passed hour and a half in the dark room.
"You okay Chrissy, not too scary for you doll?" Eddie mocks, you nudge him as a telling off.
"Leave her alone Ed, she did well sitting through the whole thing." Gareth warns, sticking up for Chrissy.
"Oooooooh, ok ok, I'll shut up!" Eddie surrenders holding his hands in the air.
Chrissy smiles and nods as a thank you to Gareth, she doesn't need him to stick up for her but it was cute that he did, maybe he does kind of like her after all, she thought to herself.

Bad Habit - {Eddie Munson x y/n}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ