Chapter 15

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After Jack got done painting Mallory's name overtop of her crib, Rose said "Jack, honey that looks really nice you really did a good job." Jack said "Thanks Rose honey."

When they left the baby's room, Lizzie approached them she said "Hey Mom do you mind if I hold Mallory?" Rose said "Sure honey, after all you did deliver her." Rose handed Lizzie Mallory, and she said "Hello, Mallory I am your big sister Lizzie." Mallory looked at Lizzie and smiled, Lizzie said to her mom "She smiled at me mom." Rose said "She loves you Lizzie."

Lizzie and Mallory cuddled on the couch together, Rose said "Jack, Lizzie and Mallory are cuddling on the couch, I know it isn't a year yet but do you want to maybe kiss?" Jack said "I don't know honey, You said maybe a year." Rose said ''I know I said maybe a year, but looking at my 2 girls, it makes me think to go ahead and start trying for another one, for Brock's sake honey." Jack thought about it then he said "Okay, we will try for another one honey, tonight."

Around 2 in the afternoon, Rose said "Honey, I am going to get some lunch." Jack said "Okay Rose." When Rose entered the kitchen she knew exactly what she was going to eat. When she got done eating she went into the master bedroom and sat down on the bed, she didn't yell for Jack she wanted to wait till tonight like Jack had said. When she sat down on the bed she noticed that she had a missed call, she thought who do I have a missed call from?

She looked her phone, Barry tried calling her she thought he wasn't talking to me? Rose got up from the bed and went to find Jack the missed call, Lizzie was still holding Mallory, they were talking to each other on the couch. When she found Jack, she said "Honey, I was sitting on our bed, and I picked up my cell phone and I noticed that I had a missed call, so I looked at it and it was from Barry." Jack said "I thought you wasn't talking to him, why is he calling you?" Rose said "I don't know honey, maybe he called to apologize?" Jack said "Maybe."

Around 7 in the evening, Jack said "Honey, let's put down Mallory and then we can go kiss in our room." Rose said "Okay honey sounds like a plan." Rose walked into the living room, she noticed Lizzie asleep on the couch, she took Mallory from Lizzie and went to put her in her crib in her bedroom, Rose said "Honey, Lizzie and Mallory are both asleep so we can kiss in our bedroom." Jack said "Okay, but before we start, shouldn't we tell Lizzie to head off to bed?" Rose said "No, it's to early for her to go to bed." Lizzie finally woke up and noticed that she wasn't holding Mallory, she got up from the couch and got some dinner, she went back to her bedroom and sat on her bed and got on her computer. Jack and Rose were in their bedroom kissing, Jack said "Honey, I am getting hungry shouldn't we eat some dinner before we continue with this." Rose said "Sure honey, we can go get some dinner before we continue this, I also want to check up on Lizzie and see if she is okay?"

Jack walked out of the master bedroom, and went into the kitchen, he was waiting on Rose. Rose knocked on Lizzie's door and said "Lizzie are you alright?" Lizzie said "I'm fine Mom, I'm perfectly fine nothing is wrong." Once Rose left Lizzie's room she went to join her husband in the kitchen he was warming up his dinner, Jack said "Is Lizzie okay?" Rose said "She's fine, she acted like nothing was bugging her, so I just left her, she was on her laptop anyway and I didn't want to interrupt her computer time." Jack sat down at the table and said "I think trying for another baby was an excellent idea honey, I know Mallory isn't a year old yet but she will be, and i think now trying for another one..." Rose said "Honey, Jack."

Jack didn't say another word, he just sat there frozen. He finally said "Rose, I'm sorry I did that I don't know why I did that, anyway I think now trying for another baby is a wonderful idea, let's just hope it's a boy this time this way he could sleep in Brock's old room." Rose said "I hope you are right honey."

Jack got up from the table and said "I will be waiting in the master bedroom for you honey for when you decide to come back." Rose said "Okay, honey I will be back there shortly." After Rose got something to eat, she rushed back to the master bedroom and said "Okay, I am done eating, what are we doing again, I keep on forgetting." Jack said "Well, Rose we are trying to get you pregnant again, to replace Brock."

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