Chapter 9

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After Barry had stormed off after the little fit he had after he said that Jack could have Rose back was a little awkward. Jack couldn't wait to propose to Rose again and she have the last name of Dawson again.

Jack said "I know I was a jerk for filing for divorce with you, and since you are carrying my 3rd child, will you marry me again?" Rose said "Yes, Jack I will marry you again, I love you!" Lizzie was excited that her parents were getting back together. Lizzie said "I'm happy for you both." Rose said "Lizzie, would you like to be my maid-of-honor in my wedding?" Lizzie said "Yes, mom I will love to be your maid of honor."

Jack went out by himself and picked out his tux, Rose had her own car from Barry she had it moved from New York to Kentucky before the wedding so she could go get her wedding dress, Lizzie went with her so she could pick up her maid of honor dress. When the groom got back before Rose and Lizzie, he decided to call the preacher and see if they could do it at their apartment. The preacher said "I can be there in 15 to 20 minutes." Jack said "Great, thanks!"

Rose and Lizzie got back from picking up their dresses Jack was getting ready himself Rose got in the apartment the preacher hadn't arrived yet, Jack was in the bathroom putting on his tux, Rose went into the bedroom and put her wedding dress in the closet since they wasn't getting married till next week. Jack yelled from the bathroom "Rose, if that is you and Lizzie, put on your guys dresses I have a surprise for you!" Rose said back "Okay Jack, will do." Rose then said to Lizzie "Lizzie, put your maid of honor dress, your father has a surprise for us." Lizzie said "Okay Mom." After Rose had dug out her wedding dress, she had put it on, Lizzie was in her bedroom putting on her maid of honor dress. The doorbell rang and Jack went to answer the door.

The preacher stepped inside the house and said "Are you the groom?" Jack said "Yes, I am my fiancée is getting ready." As soon as Rose got done getting ready Lizzie was done as well, Rose stood in the hallway, Jack said "Lizzie I am ready for you." Lizzie walked from her room to the living room, when she walked into the living room Jack said "Lizzie you look amazing!" Rose's favorite song was the one she walked from the hallway to the living room to, When Rose saw Jack in that tux, she was happy to be marring him again. The preacher said "we are gathered here today to wed this man to this woman again, now if I could have the rings." Once the rings was given to him, he said "Jack repeat after me, (Preacher) I Jack (Jack) I Jack (Preacher) take you Rose (Jack) Take you Rose (Preacher) to be my wife (Jack) To be my wife (Preacher) In good times and in bad (Jack) In good times and in bad (Preacher) In sickness and in heath (Jack) In sickness and in heath (Preacher) As long as you both shall live (Jack) I do. Now Rose, repeat after me, (Preacher) I Rose (Rose) I Rose (Preacher) Take you Jack (Rose) Take you Jack (Preacher) To be my husband (Rose) To be my husband (Preacher) In good times and in bad (Rose) In good times and in bad (Preacher) In sickness and in health (Rose) In sickness and in health (Preacher) As long as you both shall live (Rose) I do." Then the preacher said "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride, I give again, Mr. & Mrs. Dawson."

Jack was happy to be married to Rose again, he was going to keep Rose safe this time, Barry was still upset that Rose wanted to stay with Jack but Barry needed to ship all of Rose's things and Lizzie's things back to Rose. Jack's phone rang, it was Barry, Jack answered his phone he said "hello Barry, How are you doing?" Barry said "Not good, since you took Rose back I wasn't happy, I need to figure out a way to ship Rose's things and Lizzie's things back to you." Jack said "maybe the next time you visit, I will make sure that Rose isn't at home and you can deliver those things yourself." Barry said "Okay Jack I think that will work when do you want to set that up?" Jack said "Let me look at the calendar and see what I have open and I will let you know, it properly be best after Rose and I return from our honeymoon." Barry said "Okay Jack just call me when you return and we will set that date up." Jack said "Okay Barry, Will do and listen you are my best friend, and I understand if you didn't come to the wedding, I understand it." Barry said "I left one thing back, I have adopted a dog, that loves children and Lizzie really loves him, his name is Oscar and I think he would be the greatest edition to your family, I know you hate dogs, Rose told me." Jack said "I mean, I know I hate dogs, but if you don't need the dog, we can take him, if Lizzie loves him, I will learn to love dogs, trust me." Barry said "Okay, I will bring everything with me for Oscar, he loves sleeping in the master bedroom beside Rose's side of the bed." Jack said "Okay, Barry I will see you in 2 weeks and I will call when we return." Barry said "Okay see you then bye." Jack said "Bye Barry."

Jack had said to Rose "Honey, where do you want to got on our honeymoon, I know you are expecting our 3rd child." Rose said "Jack, I don't know I have been throwing up like crazy, and I don't know, let me think about it and then I will let you know, where did we go before?" Jack said "I don't remember Rose" Jack said "Reason why I am asking so I could do the booking." Rose said "I know that from the last time I was married to you."

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