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Art credit to my #slay friend Drin 😈

Spamton x David Bowie Omegaverse trope NSFW
Oh also this is my own take on the Omegaverse trope soooo it's gonna be a bit different lolz

Enjoy 😋

David had accidentally stumbled into a portal to Cyber City a few weeks ago, and had been wandering around aimlessly. That is until he found what seemed to be a living puppet in a dumpster.

The puppet man introduced himself as Spamton, and despite his odd speaking patterns he didn't appear to be hostile. They ended up talking for a while, and by the end of the conversation they had formed some odd type of friendship.

David had stuck close to that spot for most of that week, and was eventually invited somewhere new by the former Addison.

Hence why he was currently in the 'store' that Spamton had set up near the dump.
The darkner himself was currently trying to convince Bowie to buy what looked like some sort of potion.

"Listen Spamton- I don't have much money on me. All I've got is what I found in the trash around the city, and I've been using that to buy necessary things--"

Spamton cut him off, sounding a bit pushier than before as he motioned to a ragged bowtie next to him.

"Not even for a [[BEST BUDDY]]? Are you [[100% guaranteed]]??"
He seemed almost sad with at negative outcome of his attempted sales pitch.

David paused, now realizing that Spamton wasn't looking that well.

"Hey are you alright-? You look a bit off."
The darkner did actually look off, he was sweating and had taken on a reddish hue. He was fidgeting more often than usual and he was antsy.

He went right back to trying to sell the lightner things without missing a beat, seeming unbothered by his worried expression.

Eventually David had enough.
"Spamton. I'm going to leave if you don't tell me what's going on."

The puppet paused, looking down for a moment.

"WELL.. I uhm. My [[brand]] of darkner has a [[specil]] thing we do sometimes-- It's when we uhm, have [[Hyperlink Blocked]]. I haven't had this happen in a [[once in a blue moon sale!]] Because of how [[terribly alone..]] I've been.."

Spamton shifted around awkwardly in his chair, avoiding eye contact as he was obviously embarrassed about the topic at hand. David looked confused for a moment before his face flushed, somewhat realizing what was going on.

"So it's basically like uh.. a mating thing or something-?"
He asked, looking back to Spamton with a still slightly confused look.

"That's one way to [[seal the deal]]- I haven't had to deal with it because I've been a [[singular package]] for a while-- But then you showed up and [[turned that frown upside-down!!]]"
The darkner laughed nervously, adjusting his glasses as he shrugged.

Bowie paused thinking for a moment. He looked quite concerned before he finally spoke a few minutes later.

"Will this go away after a while or is it a needed thing? Do you want space-? I can leave if you need that."
Spamton seemed to panic at that, practically jumping over the counter to grab onto David.

"I'll be okay just- don't leave me [[all by myself]]-!!"
The puppet was obviously desperate to keep the lightner around, most likely fearing abandonment.

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