“Oh,” I looked at him confused what to say.

“You did her maths homework?” Tiana asked surprised taking the notebook out of his hands.

“Well yeah,” he gave a smile. He had a sweet smile actually even though his lower lip was always stuck in a pout like a stubborn child. I don’t believe I had just thought that.

“Thanks, I guess,” I said uncomfortably looking down at my desk.

His blue eyes darted to floor shyly as well, “See you later.” With that he walked away.

“Chas…oh my god,” Tiana said slowly and unbelievingly.

“What?” I stared at her blushing.

“He is so in love with you!”

“That nerd?” I laughed, “Only if he diverted his attention from his thick book ever.”

“Come on…he’s cute,” she shrugged.

I thought about the way his blue eyes sparkled and the fact how red his lips looked…Wait a minute, what was I thinking? Someone please drench with ice cold water. That was the only way to get those weird thoughts out of my head.

I continued to embarrass myself by saying, “As if he even likes me.”

“Take it from a pro,” Tiana smirked naughtily, “He’s crazy for you…trust me I know.”

“That’s easy for you to say…you have like what? Around thousand guys chasing you.”

“It’s written on his face Chas! Did you see the way he was blushing and you! You like him too!” she exclaimed excited.

“What?” I looked at her zanily, “Are you stark raving mad? There’s no way I like him. I don’t believe in stupid things like love. I mean what’s the point of love anyways? You get into a relationship then you do all yucky lovey-dovey things and then the guy cheats on you and then you break up. That’s how Blaze goes about it.”

“Just because your brother is a big time flirt doesn’t mean that rest of the guys are as well,” Tiana said seriously.

“My brother?” I laughed, “You are the same as Blaze. Tee I have seen you work through boys.”

I had actually seen Tiana make guys go crazy over her. Zack, Cruz and rest of the boys were all over her.  She had some wicked skills. I could feel the jealousy exuding from the other girls. Of course, I wasn’t jealous. It was about time someone showed it to the boys who were usually such jerks. Almost every girl had cried some time or another because of these egoistic men. No, I was not a feminist and I was quite a tomboy myself. I just tended to go by the principle live and let live at least till the time someone really pissed me off. Everyone is scared of the “Chas Wrath”.

It would be refreshing if Tiana could change Blaze. He was such an ass when it came to girls.

“You like him,” she said firmly.

“No way,” I tried to control my blush.

“You know you girls are not very secretive,” Zack chuckled from behind.

Someone should have shot me. Why was I being humiliated early in the morning?

“What did you hear?” I asked grinding my teeth together.

“Just the part when you confessed you are in love with Eric,” his grin got wider.

“I’m not in love with Eric Bran!” I said a little loudly and got a lot of stares from students sitting around me.

“What?” I flashed my eyes at the students, “Stop staring at me if you like to be alive.”

“Little Chas is in love,” Zack teased me.

“I will knock those pearly whites of yours in if you won’t stop,” I growled.

Zack was like my brother but he really got on my nerves. Why did he have to be so goody two shoes? I would have dug out an embarrassing of his and flung it on his face. He would have kept his mouth shut then.

Tiana giggled.

“I’ll get you both for this,” I grumbled and tried to look busy in my textbook.



I was bursting with curiosity. Chas was being very secretive since morning about something. I couldn’t wait to hear what she had to say. All the girls were huddled around Chas in the cafeteria.

“Before I start, I could advice the faint hearted to back out,” Chas said mysteriously.

No one moved.

“Traitors will be shown no mercy,” she added, “If any of you goes and tells anyone else what I’m going to tell you guys right now…You will be as good as dead.”

Some of the girls looked a little unsure of what they were getting themselves into but stood rooted to their places.

She looked a little satisfied then started, “During the camp we have to play some serious pranks on the boys.”

“I like the sound of that,” Melissa, a girl from our class grinned and rest of the girls nodded in unison.

“Good,” Chas smiled evilly, “There are some things you have to get tomorrow. Don’t forget any of them back home.”

“I’ll just write them down,” Maria wringed out a writing pad and a pen.

“Get a sexy top that you don’t wear anymore. It should be super skimpy,” Chas said.

“Eh?” I looked at her dubiously.

“Don’t worry you guys don’t have to wear it,” Chas waved her hands.

“Then for what?” Stacy asked.

“That’s for later…and who will get make-up? We need loads of that.”

“I’ll get make-up,” Stacy shrugged.

“That’s it…so all of you get a really hot top all right,” she said.

“What are you up to now? I asked her as the girls dispersed.

Chas laughed and said, “No good.”

Knowing Chas I should have known she had some really awesome pranks saved up for the camp. I actually pitied the boys a little.

Speaking of boys, I knew there was one particular boy Chas looked interested in but wasn’t ready to accept it.


Author's Note: I don’t believe the amount of votes I got for the last chapter…wow. Omg! This story is on What’s hot list on #1 YAY! <Does a happy dance>  What do you think of Eric Bran? Jesse Eisenberg would make a good Eric Bran. Oh and btw after I finish writing this book I’ll start with a book on Chastity called “Hey Mr. Rockstar meet Miss Trouble". Like that?

P.P.S: Guys if you like my stories you can like my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/insights/?sk=po_186031568109851#!/pages/StorySpinner/186031568109851

I'll discuss everything about my stories here. Even about the upcoming book on Chas.

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