Hm. Weird, you thought.

"Hope you don't mind," he continued. "I just wanted to see what you were struggling with so badly that meant you'd spent 'every waking moment practicing,' as Hyun had put it."

"No, it's fine," you wiped the beads of sweat off your forehead, fully aware of how awful you looked in this moment. "I could honestly use your help, if that's okay."

Minho nodded, and you played the music from your phone and started dancing in front of him. You felt his piercing gaze the whole time you were dancing, and you tried to forget about it whilst you performed your choreo as best you could. You felt yourself throwing a couple of the moves, and Minho could tell you were getting pissed off by it. When you finished the dance, you were surprised when Minho had a small smile on his face, and he clapped.

"That was impressive," he said, and you just nodded as a reply, unaware of the level of sincerity behind his words. You never usually got shy in front of people, but in front of infamous dance prodigy Lee Minho? Yeah, you were shitting it. "The moves you're fucking up? You're totally over complicating them. It's like you know you're doing them wrong and you're focusing so much on doing them right that your whole demeanour changes when you get to those moves, and cause you're concentrating so much, it throws you."

You listen intently at what he's saying, and honestly it makes sense. The moves you're messing up on are ones you know you can do, so maybe it is just a mindset thing. You turn the music back on without saying anything and start your dance again, focusing on just listening to the music and letting your body dance as it knows the moves. Letting loose causes you to just hit the moves without a second thought, and you can see the difference in your dance as you catch glimpses of yourself in the mirror.

When you finish for the second time, Minho raises and eyebrow and gives you a smirk.

"Can you see the difference? That was ten times better than before," you get a sense of pride from him, despite his stoic expression. You nod your head with a small smile, breathing in and out deeply.

"Yeah, I do, thank you," you say appreciatively. Minho just nods in return as a response.

"Now, go home and sleep. Seungmin said you've been getting in at midnight almost every night this week. You wouldn't want to faint on stage tomorrow, that would be extremely embarrassing," he says, and you're almost glad that he's reverted back to the cocky and annoying Minho you'd seen at the bar, unsure how to navigate the version of him he was currently displaying.

Surprisingly, he walks you to your dorm building, albeit in almost silence, but it's nice all the same. You say a simple goodbye when you reach it, and he nods his head in return, walking the opposite direction, you presume back to the bar. It was weird, how someone you'd just met was already so willing to help you out, and you could tell how eager he was to watch you tomorrow. You'd asked Doha, once again, to come and watch since you'd changed your choreography, but he said he'd already made plans to go clubbing with his course friends.

You opened your phone to find a couple messages from Sooyun. You'd seen her earlier in the week for a coffee, and although she was her normal smiley self, you sensed something was off with her. Now, when she'd texted you to say she wouldn't be able to watch you tomorrow either, you just closed off your phone in a huff. It wasn't like Sooyun to not want to be there for you, especially for a big event, so you had no clue what was going on.

You wake up the next morning, strangely, in a good mood. You put all negative thoughts about your boyfriend and best friend to the back of your mind, focusing on having a good mindset for your competition later on in the day. Hyunjin and Felix had said they'd take you out for lunch beforehand to ease your nerves, which you were honestly thankful for. If not, you'd have probably worked yourself silly over practicing for the showcase.

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