Remembering the incident which happened inside in his office, he slapped his forehead. Next time, he has to be careful and not say something like this. Maybe he should but something for Lalisa, Jungkook thought as he made his way inside his office.

Once inside he remembered something and called his assistant. "Yes boss, do you need something?" Assistant Xue asked carefully looking at his Boss. He still couldn't forget what he had gone through yesterday.

Jungkook nodded. "Do you have the information on Long Suho?"

Assistant Xue shook his head, "No Boss, it will be done by tomorrow."

Jungkook nodded and waved his hands telling his assistant to leave when suddenly he remembered something and paused. "Assistant Xue, wait a minute, " he called.

"Yes, Boss?"

"How good is your memory?" Jungkook asked.

Assistant Xue was confused but he answered honestly, "It very good!"

"Then do you remember what happened yesterday in this office?" Jungkook  questioned.

"Yesterday you were drunk and... " Assistant Xue was saying when he immediately paused and glanced at his Boss. Sensing his Boss's murdering gaze he shivered and replied, "Yesterday nothing happened. I was not in the office. No Boss, I was not in the country only."

Jungkook narrowed his eyes and said, "You don't have to exaggerate so much. Just remember that you don't remember anything. Got it?"

Assistant Xue nodded as he repeated the words, "I remember nothing. "

Jungkook was satisfied with this reply and he mentioned his assistant to leave. As soon as the assistant left, Jungkook pondered about what he should get for his wife to make her happy.


That night when Lalisa entered her house all tired and exhausted from her work, she was immediately enveloped by a sweet tantalizing aroma of food. Keeping all the presents and gifts on a table, she walked towards the kitchen. Inside the kitchen, Jungkook was busy making something. Even though he was wearing his casual clothes, that didn't make him less appealing. Instead, it gave him a sweet guy next door vibe.

"Tired?" Jungkook asked when he saw her standing at the entrance of their kitchen, leaning on the wall.

Lalisa nodded.

"Go freshen up. I'll just finish up in a few minutes," he said.

Lalisa smiled as she made her way towards their bedroom to freshen up. A few minutes later, she dressed up in some casual clothes and walked towards their dining table where Jungkook was already placing down their food.

They both took their seats next to each other as Jungkook served the food to both of them. As Lalisa was famished she immediately started eating her dinner.

"What are those?" Jungkook asked pointing towards the table.

"Gifts from some fans..." Lalisa answered.

Jungkook nodded and they ate their food in a complete silence enjoying the pleasure of tasty food filled with love. Once the food was finished, Lalisa went to the kitchen to clean the dishes.

"Baby come I want to show you something, "Jungkook said excitedly as he entered the kitchen and grabbed her hand.


"Come with me..." he said excitedly pulling her hand.

"One minute... let me finish this." Lalisa said as she hurried to clean the rest of the plates. After cleaning all the plates, Jungkook led her excitedly into the living room. Giving her a big box which was wrapped up nicely he told her to open it.

When Lalisa opened the box she was surprised to see a beautiful silver gown studded with small diamonds and glitters. It was an expensive gown and she knew it because it was her own design. It was the most expensive gown from the whole collection she designed in her boutique. But according to her memory, this gown was paired with a suit. It was a couple dress.

"This... why did you buy this?" she asked looking up at him.

"Tomorrow you have a very big day and I wanted you to wear this." Jungkook answered.

"But it is so expensive..."

Jungkook chuckled, "I know."

"Then did you also buy the men's suit?"

Jungkook flicked her forehead, "Of course, stupid. It was a couple dress. Did you forget? "

"Of course, I remember." Lalisa said rubbing her forehead, "But why did you-"

"I wanted to be your first customer." Jungkook answered wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to him.

"Thank you." Lalisa smiled.

"Not like this. As your first customer, shouldn't I get some privilege?"

"What do you want?" Lalisa asked with a teasing smile on her lips. Wrapping her arms around his neck she tiptoed on her feet and gave him a kiss on his lips. How could Jungkook let this moment get away?

He grabbed her neck lightly and pulled her in for a long passionate kiss. A few minutes later, as the kiss ended leaving them breathless and wanting for more. Jungkook gave her another gifted box. This time when Lalisa opened the box, it was a white cute teddy bear.

Lalisa was shocked. Her eyes lit up brightly as she looked up at her husband excitedly and gave him another kiss on his lips. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much. This is the best gift ever." she laughed holding the teddy bear tightly in her arms.

"What should we name it?" Lalisa asked. "It's cute, soft and fluffy. I think we should name it Mr. Fluffy. What do you think?"

"It's good." Jungkook smiled. Seeing the smile on her lips was enough for him. Now as Lalisa had received two gifts from Jungkook, she also wanted to open the gifts which she received from some of her fans. She was in a very good mood as she went to some cards when suddenly her eyes fell on a small gift box.

Taking it in her hands, she opened the gift box and was startled to see a pair of silver diamond earnings inside. Jungkook was also shocked to see that. Taking it from Lalisa's hands he examined them.

"Are they real diamonds?" Lalisa asked with a stunned face.

Jungkook nodded his head. From one glance he could tell that these were real and very expensive diamonds. But who would send this to his wife?

"Who sent you this?" he asked.

"I don't know." Lalisa said shrugging her shoulders, "But there was this card with it."

"Let me read it for you." Jungkook said opening the card. Inside the card, it was a handwriting message with very beautiful writing. For some reason, he found that writing very familiar, like he had seen it somewhere.

A beautiful gift for a beautiful lady. I hope you wear this tomorrow. A gift for the success of your film.



"Do you know who this is?" Jungkook questioned.

Lalisa pondered. "I don't know... LS... LS?". Lalisa was thinking in her mind if she knew anybody who goes by LS, or anything like that when suddenly someone's name crossed through her mind. "Its Long Suho."

"Maybe it's him. I think it's him. Long Suho, has sent me this, " Lalisa smiled.

Jungkook's face paled hearing that name. Long Suho... Again?

"Who's Long Suho?" he asked trying to calm down his emotion. A big turmoil was rising up in his heart. His wife knew a person named Long Suho, and he didn't know about it.

"Didn't I tell you about him? The guy that saved me, my savior. His name is Long Suho. Also didn't you see him that day, when you came to pick me up?" Lalisa asked.

SECRET MARRIAGE - Book 1 [LK Adaptation]Where stories live. Discover now