"Ouuu, I love an athlete. What sport do you play?" Her voice becomes louder and I have to shush her when we are still in the library. She apologizes and continues to trail behind me as I'm exiting with my bag and books in hand.

A frown forms on my lips once I see a message pop up on my smartwatch. I rush to the elevator at the end of the hallway.

"Wait, Theo." The inquisitive girl reaches for my forearm, causing me to stop and turn around. "How do I contact you?" She waves her phone in my face.

"That's not necessary," I stare at it and back at her. "I'm in the library every day, so just come at the scheduled time and day," I explained. "Or not. You don't have to if you decide you no longer require my help. I'll find someone else to tutor."

She is silent for a moment as if she is rethinking something. I hope she does, and that the Headmaster assigns me to another student, preferably one who doesn't stare at me strangely all the time.

"I don't have to?" She finally speaks. I nod, despite the fact that I desperately needed this as well. Maybe even more than her. "Why would you want me to not show up?" Her tone conveyed something that her words did not.

"You're misunderstanding," I shook my head.

"I'm not stupid, Theo. I can comprehend basic English vocabulary, even though it's limited - well that's not the point," she stops herself.

Her dark, doe eyes burn holes in my face as she tilts her head to the side and licks her bottom lip. "You don't mind if I come in every day, right?"

I have to keep my eyes from lingering lower than they need to.

"I think I need an extra hand on my Math homework," she whispered with a tone I could not discern.

My forehead crumpled. "Is that necessary—"

"Think about it," she cuts me sharply, the corner of her rosy lips lifting. "The more we see each other, the faster we get it over with. It's a win-win."

"That wouldn't matter," I contemplate, my mind coming up with reasons why we shouldn't have to extend our deal. "The agreement is for one semester, that's what the Headmaster said—"

"I know what he said," she stated. I'd only just met her, but I could tell she was stubborn. Something about the way she carried herself told me she wasn't one to give up easily. "Look, I'll talk to him about it, okay?"

I remained silent as I walked toward the elevator. It was difficult to think rationally with her standing so close.

Something is wrong with me today.

I finally breathe a sigh of relief when I don't hear footsteps behind me. My chest relaxes from the erratic rising and falling, and my shoulders slump against the elevator wall. I press on the second floor and it doesn't take long for me to get there. I check my reflection in the mirror before leaving.

I didn't think I could sweat this much without doing anything. It usually happens during a strenuous workout.

"You sure you're an athlete?"

A voice causes my heart to drop and someone comes up from behind the wall. Frustration paints my face as I act like I haven't noticed her presence.

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