Game Over

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Chapter 1: Game Over

*Eren's P.O.V*

I groaned when I woke that morning. I didn't want to get up, I was comfortable. I knew my room would be cold and I was warm under my covers. Not only that but I didn't feel well.

But I knew I had to get up. The only thing that had even a slight chance of allowing me to stay in bed would be to admit I didn't feel well. And I didn't feeling like being experimented on by Hanji.

So I dragged myself out of bed and headed up to the mess hall for breakfast.

"Morning" I smiled slightly as I sat with Armin and Mikasa

"Morning Eren" Mikasa and Armin said back to me.

"How are you feeling?" Mikasa whispered to me.

"A-Alright.. I need some more of those things though" I whispered back, a bit embarrassed. It wasn't the first time I'd asked this but it never got any less embarrassing.

"They're in the usual place" She nodded and I thanked her before we got on with eating breakfast.

After breakfast we all had chores to do. Corporal Levi insists that we keep the place tidy, claims it's part of our training. I didn't get it but whatever.

So we all went off to clean the places we were given. I tried not to let how I was feeling get to me. Unfortunately I was paired with Jean to clean the windows today. I could feel myself getting more snarky by the minutes.

"Oh my gosh Jean" I groaned "Shut up!" I'm sure he wasn't that bad a person, really, but right now he was getting on my last nerve. Jean and I tend to butt heads a lot.

"Oh whatever Jaeger" He glared and I just rolled my eyes.

After a while of cleaning I told Jean I was going the the bathroom. However I used the opportunity to sneak off to Mikasa's room. I went into a box that she kept under her bed and took what I needed. I put the box back and shoved what I took into the inner pocket of my jacket.

Sneaking around like this certainly wasn't ideal but it had to be done.

I actually did need to use the bathroom so I went in quickly before joining Jean again

"God you take forever!" He complained when I returned

"Shut it Kirstein" I snapped at him and got on with my work. Did I mention that I wasn't in the mood?

Jean took the hint, for once, and we got on with cleaning. In a very welcomed silence.

Once we were done cleaning the windows it was time for lunch. I headed over to the mess hall, sitting with Mikasa and Armin again. I was so glad to get a seat finally.

I relaxed a little as we ate together and exchanged a few words.

"We've got training after this" Armin reminded and my stomach churned at the idea.

I was getting sick of training. When I didn't feel well and I was in pain, training was the last thing I wanted. So far I hadn't said anything though, I didn't feel like having people asking questions.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want special treatment because of how I'm feeling. I just wish I didn't feel like this. But I had to suck it up and get on with it. It's lessen throughout the week, it always does. But after feeling like this for nearly a whole week I'd had enough, I just need a little break.

"Guys I'm going to my room for a bit, I don't feel well" I told Mikasa and Armin, knowing they knew what I meant.

"Alright, feel better" Armin smiled and Mikasa simply nodded. They understood that I didn't feel well, they are the only ones I ever tell when I feel like this. Well, strictly speaking, I'd tell Mikasa and she'd tell Armin. Every time, without fail.

A tad awkward but whatever. I guess it was good that he knew in a way.

After excusing myself I went down to the basement where my room was. I hated it down there but right now I didn't care, I just wanted to lay down.

After climbing down to the dark basement I stripped down to my underwear and got into bed. I let out a sigh of releivef as I cuddled up under my cover.

I feel like this every so often but usually I just power through it. I was glad that I'd decided to rest for a while though. I felt so much better already.

I got lost in thought as I lay there. I had a secret, only Mikasa and Armin knew the truth. Hiding it for this long is taking its toll but I can't bring myself to tell the truth.

I was worried I'd get in trouble for lying. Not only that but I just didn't want people to know. I was too scared to tell the truth when I joined the military and I was still too scared now. I didn't want people to see me differently.

It's not easy to hide. I'd spent the past few years sneaking around and desperately avoiding any situation that could get me caught. With the help of Mikasa and Armin I'd gotten away with it so far.

However people were beginning to get suspicious. I was running out of excuses and people were picking up on my absence in certain activities. I didn't know how much longer I could keep this up.

I nuzzled myself further into my cover, sighing a little. I pushed the thoughts away. I knew I couldn't stay like that all day but I wanted to enjoy it while I could.

I had intended on getting up after a little while and go back to join the others. I had intended on going to training, I knew I had to.

My body had diffrent ideas on the other hand and I found myself sinking further into the comfort of my bed.

Before I knew it, I was falling asleep.


"Jaeger!" I was awoken by Corporal Levi "You missed training!" He glared.

"S-Sir..!" I jumped, pulling the cover to hide me better.

"What the hell do you think you're doing shitty brat? Skipping out on training?" Levi asked angrily

"N-No..! I didn't mean to sir I promise" I panicked a little

"Oh? Then what are you doing?" He crossed his arms.

"I-I didn't feel well.. I didn't mean to fall asleep" I muttered, praying he would believe me.

"Tch.." He clicked his tongue "Whatever, get up, I'll gave you your training"

"I uh I-I'll be right up.." I pulled the covers over me more.

"No, get up. Now." He demanded, moving closer to the bed.

"I-I'm not dressed" I stuttered, shuffling back a bit.

"So?" He deadpanned. Oh no.

"W-Well could you wait outside while I get dressed..?" I could feel my cheeks heating up

"Why..?" He asked dully. Shit..

"I-I.. Um I don't like people seeing me.." I mumbled

"Don't be stupid, we're both guys here, now get up" he rolled his eyes.

I shook my head. Shit, shit shit..

"Oh, for god sake, just get up!" He grabbed my cover and yanked it away.

Game over.

Trust Me ErenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant