"I dunno, it's not the worst place for egg whites." Violet couldn't help but laugh, knowing the reaction it would get.

"You take that back right now." He demanded. "I will never roll your blunts for you again if you keep this shit up."

"Okay, fine." Violet conceded, still laughing. "...I suppose the Ritz-Carlton will suffice."

"Fucking bet." He huffed out nearly inaudible as he shook his head smiling.

"Holy shit I fucking got it!" Violet hadn't expected for the crane to follow through, especially with how wobbly she'd been with all her laughing. He laughed and retrieved the stuffed toy.

"Atta girl..." He smiled and handed her the purple oversized bunny plush. She flushed into it at the gentle praise, but tried to brush it off.

"Your turn! Which one do you want?"

"Oh... you want to win me something?"

"Yeah, it's your birthday." She responded as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"I-" He shut his mouth just as fast as it opened. "But, I mean- you guys already made it a great birthday..." His brows pulled together, not expecting the gesture after everything.

"Because you're worth it."

"I uh- I'm really not... but I appreciate it." He laughed sheepishly. "I want one that you pick for me." He simpered down at her adoringly. Trying to not be too irritated by the feeling bubbling up again.

"Hmm, okay. You want a mallow or something snazzy?" She looked around at some of the ridiculously expensive items sitting idly behind the inexpensive glass of the machines.

"You pick." He chuckled and covered his eyes. "All you."

"No pressure or anything." She joked before finally settling on a machine a few ones over. "Alrighty, get into god mode I guess." He chuckled, moving forward and reaching his arms around her from behind, inherently trapping her, to put the new machine into maintenance mode, trying to keep his eyes on her for once so he wouldn't spot what she would aim for. He leaned closer and explained how he did it, so she'd be able to if she wanted to. Violet tried her best to control her breathing as her heart began to pulse in her ears at how close he was and his voice low and soft right by her ear. Having him up close and personal with his breath barely tickling her hair draped down her neck and collarbones; his chest pressed warmly against her back, she should've been more nervous. But being close to him was somehow the most exciting yet calming sensation she'd felt in a long while. "No peeking."

"Cross my heart and hope to die." He promised, closing his eyes tightly and dipping his head down behind hers, letting her curled hair cover his face more. Just so there's no way to peek, that's all.

"We're going two for two." She mumbled, trying to focus more on the precise angle to drop the claw to reach what she wanted for him rather than the way his arms still surrounded her along with the gentle weight of him leaning against her . She crossed her fingers in anticipation before the claw dropped the stuffed toy into the chute. "Fuck yesssss!" Jack's chuckle quite literally rumbled down her spine. She had to control her near visceral reaction as she slowly moved down to pick up the toy. "Happy birthday, grumpy." She held out the overstuffed round wolf with animatedly furrowed brows that matched Jack's typical resting surly expression. Jack stepped back and grabbed the plushie a little too hard. He looked from its small face back to Violet's goofy smile and clamped his teeth down on his lip, proving to be completely ineffective at hiding the ridiculous grin growing on his face.

"Yeah, alright this is the best birthday gift ever..."

"Wow and after all that time I spent on your card." Violet rolled her eyes playfully as she leaned against the machine.

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