The Potato Head

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"I gotta say, I'm loving the new look." Emma teased softly to Violet as they all headed back inside toward the arcade while Christian went to get everyone another round of drinks. Violet flushed as she tugged at the hem of Jack's hoodie, long enough to cover her shorts. "But I think you'd look even better without the getup."

"If this is your way of getting me naked..." Violet winked coyly, though still slightly self conscious at all her attention.

"I'll have you any way you want, gorgeous."

"Christian was right, you really are a manwhore when you're drinking." Violet laughed. Emma merely held up a finger as she dug through her eccentric bag before pulling a small tin case. Inside was an assortment of bandaids and mints and... a fake mustache that she placed perfectly on her upper lip. "Oh my god, look at this distinguished young gentleman!" And this is why you're pansexual. It really wasn't fair how some people managed to look that hot with every presentation of themselves.

"Why thank you ma'am." It was Emma's turn to blush as she turned on a southern drawl as she tipped a fake hat in gratitude.

Jack watched the exchange with more caution than curiosity as Seán followed closely behind him.

"Should we fill up the cards?" Everyone nodded, their head highs all making them space how the bizarre currency of the establishment worked. "C'mon buddy..." He nudged Jack to follow him.

Despite Jack's distaste of leaving Violet to the hands of this mustached menace, he would honor their deal. He'd been joking at first- but seeing how receptive Violet was to Emma had him a bit worried given her 'I swing whatever way I want' comment. Given the heated moments they'd shared even beyond making out, he couldn't help but wonder if she maybe wasn't interested in him for anything more than superficial reasons. She'd mentioned terrible dates with men before, so maybe she wouldn't ever see him as a real option. But that wouldn't explain why she went so hot and cold with their interactions, from how earnestly she kissed back and the flirty interactions she wasn't hesitant in dishing back. But then she'd go cold when he pushed it just a tad further, whether it was excessive sex jokes or even what he thought were basic genuine compliments without ulterior motives. Despite how obvious he thought he was, it was possible he was missing even more context than Emma had berated them all for.

Whatever her interests, he wanted so badly to be supportive but the selfish and jealous side of him was trying so hard to take over. He twisted his rings as he walked behind Seán, guilt starting to creep up. If this- god forbid- was the answer he'd been waiting for, the sign he'd been waiting for, he had no choice but to accept it. If he wasn't what she wanted, he'd have to make peace with it and move on.

"How much do you think I should put on each card? Should I do the unlimited or do you think we'll get drunk and move to pool or something?" Seán questioned, pulling Jack from his inner turmoil.

"Uh, I mean- how much is it for unlimited?"

"Like $40..." Seán laughed, "...I forgot you don't get out much. I just don't know what we're planning on here, how grand of a time are we talkin'?" He peeked over from the screen to a miserably sober looking Jack, emphasizing his accent satirically, hoping to coax out a laugh.

"The grandest of times!" Violet piped up, mimicking his accent with a laugh. "It's Jack's fuckin birthday, it's time to celebrate." She hadn't missed how miserable he suddenly looked, and wondered if he was upset with her for something. Had she said something embarrassing? Or was he irritated with her returning Emma's flirtations? While the alcohol was definitely influencing a bit of ego on her end to reciprocate, she definitely didn't want to push Jack's boundaries with his friends, and she really did need to make a decision on what to do about her ever growing feelings for Jack. But shallow flirting was so much easier than trying to figure out what someone's endgame was. Her anxieties were calmed slightly when he turned and met her earnest gaze, his face softening slightly as he smiled at her.

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