"If only Christian would hurry up with those drinks..." He squinted dramatically as he shielded his eyes, searching around their area.

"If only you wouldn't be so whiny..." Christian blanched from behind them all, startling the group.

"Next round's on me." Emma declared. "I'll get you a double, sweetie." They all took their drinks and decided on ski ball to ease them into the games. They moved on to competitive button games before Christian won Emma an old-fashioned detective's hat, who proudly donned it the rest of the evening while Violet impressed them all at whack-a-mole; viciously hitting each figure as they popped up.

"So don't make Violet mad." Seán noted with a laugh before they moved on to the hunting games, each taking turns playing against each other. Violet couldn't help but slightly ogle Jack's form as he gripped the plastic rifle, his lithe form standing stoically as he aimed with what she assumed was perfect form. His arms flexed as he made each shot, as if preparing for the recoil.

"You good?" Emma chuckled as Violet's lips struggled to find the straw to her drink.

"Oh I'm... great." The only downside to inebriation was the inability to mask as her hormones, desperately in need of a release, made headway. While weed made it easier to suppress her physical desires, the stealthy combination with alcohol had her fumbling like a toddler. It was no wonder Jack found it so easy to flirt with her and take her off guard. "I'm um, I'm gonna pee. Do we want more drinks?" Everyone seemed to agree as she headed off toward the entrance.

"Ok spill." Emma commanded as she followed Violet to the bathroom. "Have you fucked yet?" She could see that the feeling between the two was obviously mutual as Violet turned beet red upon everything Jack did and said, while only somewhat blushing at Emma's own remarks. Watching the roommates interact so obviously yet somehow still hiding behind walls had her absolutely flabbergasted over what they were even trying to accomplish.

"I'm- ha, what?" Violet was taken completely aback by the blunt question. "No- we're roommates. That would... complicate things..."

"Don't lie to me Violet... you are not just roommates... spill."

"I- we haven't..." She stammered, shrugging slightly as she tried to think of something to appease the demanding person she still barely knew. "It's just- ya know... he's a flirt." She quickly went into the closest stall, now nervous and sobering up at the interrogation.

"Not really... like- on camera? Sure, farm the views... but off? No." She explained as she hopped onto the counter and pulled a mini disposable toothbrush and scrubbed the teeth on her necklace absently. "I see the way you look at him bestie..."

"Farm the views?" Violet muttered to herself in confusion before trying to keep her brain on track. "I'm just... that's just my face." She briefly thought of all the possibilities that would have Emma bringing this up with her rather than Jack, and what exactly she was trying to get out of her. "Ya know, it's just a bit of banter."

"So you really only like him as a roommate?" She paused her scrubbing and looked up at the stall Violet was in with an unamused expression.

"I mean, I'm still getting to know him..." She responded with a sigh as she pulled up her pants and flushed the toilet. She had to admit, she was mildly amused at Emma washing the necklace as she washed her hands.

"Violet, I mean- it's obvious. You can talk to me about it, I'm not gonna tell him. I may not always identify as female but I stick with the girls..." She raised her right hand up as if to swear in for court.

"No, I-I mean it..." She chuckled anxiously, still feeling like she was gossiping in high school, nervous and still not really knowing Emma. "I moved in like, barely two months ago and we've been busy with work and all that shit." She shrugged before drying her hands. "So- yeah, I dunno. I'm just getting to know him and... we'll see where it goes I guess." She knew the annoying flutter in her chest meant a bit more than she was letting on, but she wasn't sure if it was enough to move on- given some very important factors in their dynamic.

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