Speaking of Tony, he hasn't been around. After our recent visit to mom's place, he wanted to stay at her place for more than the weekend. He explained he wanted to see the reason behind her behavior. Tony claims it has to do with her prick husband.

In all honesty I couldn't care less. It sounds wrong of me— I know, but people change depending on who they're around. Take Marcus as an example; he was an ass the first time we met and now he is the most caring guy I've ever encountered. Not to brag but I'm a great influence on him.

"Hey. How you holding up?"

I looked up to the door. Marcus was leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. I held up a thumbs-up not feeling like speaking. It's too early in the morning and was still tired. Yeah, I got to sleep but dad and Douglas were at it again with their tools. Marcus nodded and approached his bed.

"Lauren, I'm so sorry. I could've used my bionics to stop the car but all I thought about was the mission. I was—"

I tilted my head. I know he's expecting me to still be shook over the car incident but I'm feeling... surprisingly good. I interrupted him by pulling him into a tight embrace. He wrapped his arms around me burying his face into the crook of my neck.

"You don't need to apologize for anything. Don't blame yourself." I reassured him. Marcus nodded tightening his arms around me. I felt secure in his arms and knew how guilty he felt.

Over the past months that I've got to know him, I've noticed his increase of protectiveness over me. At first I figured it had to do with his lack of social cues, but as the days progresses it was something else. There is no right way to express his recent way of acting. I can't say I don't enjoy it and it's always the small things that make me appreciate him more.

From remembering the most stupid and littlest things about me to listening and comforting me. He could easily leave me alone in the room to weep to myself, but instead he offered to stay with me and now is apologizing for not doing more.

It's really touching.

Not even the Davenport's have checked up on me. Besides yesterday, none of the siblings have asked how I'm doing. Granted, Leo didn't show much reaction from it. They must have thought the same for me. And they probably had other stuff to worry about. Again, I'm probably just overthinking things.

Marcus gave me a final squeeze before pulling away from the hug. He lifted his head from my neck looking directly into my eyes. His eyes held so much yet so little. His words compare to his gaze are two completely different stories. One makes you feel appreciated while the other makes you question if he truly means what he says. Nonetheless, his eyes are exquisite. In my opinion brown colored eyed get a bad rap. I continued to take in his soft gaze not missing the subtle shift from my eyes down to my lips. He hesitantly leaned forward.

Oh, this is going in a direction I never saw coming. I don't mind by any means just not something I expected from him. And yet I'm letting him. My body didn't moved back the minute he entered my personal space which meant I wanted this. Holy shit— Chase was right. I like Marcus.

"Hey! What are you two doing?"

The sudden shout from Douglas broke our small trance. My vision landed on a Douglas who frantically glanced between his son and I. I felt a gentle squeeze  making me return my attention back to Marcus. It wasn't till now that I realized how close we've gotten. Only a move away from locking lips. If Douglas hadn't come in when he did we might have— Maybe it's best not to think about that.

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