y/n comfort (father figure spencer) (1493 words)

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I wait patiently off stage for the band to finish assault and batteries so I can help spencer into his suit for hip to be scared.

The song finishes and spencer runs over to me. I rush to put on his suit jacket and help him button it up. I grab the clear raincoat, the fake head, and the fake arm and duck down, binding behind the smoke as I run on stage to set the props in their place.

I run off stage and head back to my post as the band walks back on to perform.


After the show and merch signing, the crew and band head back to their separate buses. "wait, y/n come to our bus, we have an extra bunk now." Ricky says. We had taken Jonnie Guilbert with us for a bit, just for fun. Today was his last day touring with us because we were close to where he lived.

"Sure, let me grab my stuff real quick!" I say. I hop into the crew bus and grab both of my non-work-related bags before heading to the band bus. I throw one of my bags into the storage bunk and my other bag into the newly empty sleeping bunk.

"Okay so we have a night here, we head out at 10:00 in the morning tomorrow, and then we get a hotel." Patrick says.

"yay hotel!" Spencer says. Hotels are always nice, the beds are so much softer.

We spend maybe 10 minutes trying to figure out what movie to put on. The choices boil down to carrie, it chapter 1, ghostbusters, and the shining.

"y/n what movie do we watch" Ricky asks. I haven't put in any input up to this point.

"I don't know, I'm going to sit outside for a bit anyway. I need fresh air." I half lie. Today was stressful. I need a smoke, either a cigarette or a blunt. Either would help right now.

"dude it's like 40° outside" Spencer says. (like 4° c) "I have a hoodie, ill be fine." I say.

The guys decide on the shinning and I grab a hoodie and a box of cigarettes from my bag. I tuck the box into my hoodie pocket, hoping no one sees it.

"Alright, I'm going to go sit on a rock or something." I say, leaving the bus. "have fun, don't die" Joe says.

I close the door behind me and sit with my back against the bus. I try not to sit right under a window. I light a cigarette and take a drag. I feel better already.

I pop in one earbud and play some music. My playlist pops up adrenaline by zero 9:36.

I'm about halfway through my cigarette when I hear the bus door open. Fuck. I try to hide the cigarette behind me so spencer doesn't see it.

"Hey, kid." He says, walking over and sitting next to me. "I can see the smoke from the bus you know." He says.

I don't say anything in response. I just move my hand back to where it was before. Spencer put his hand out and I give him the cigarette. He puts it out on the ground next to him.

"you know that shit is killing you right?" He says. "I know, I know," I say.

"y/n you're 17, you can't be doing shit like that. Just because your out of high school doesn't mean you're an adult yet." He says, in a calming voice.

"It's been a shitty week, with all the tech shit going wrong recently, and the shit with my parents..." I say. "y/n, don't tell them I said this but I really do not like your parents." He says.

I laugh and say "you and me both." "I mean I could always..." spencer makes a dramatic stabbing motion and imitates the shrieking music from psycho. We both laugh.

"but seriously, do you want to talk about it?" He asks. I tell him about all the fights I've had with my parents recently, including them kicking me out of the house right before the tour started. I try to sprinkle in a few jokes to make sure I don't cry, but I'm the only one who laughs at them.

"kid... y/n do you have a place to go back to when the tour is over?" He asks. "I mean not really but I have a friend's couch I can crash on, and my truck that I can sleep in." I say.

"or you could stay in my guest room until you get back on your feet. You're 17, you're still a kid. They can't expect you to be fine on your own until your like 20." He says.

"you don't have to do that, ill be okay, really," I say, more to myself than to spencer.

"I know that, but I want to. Trust me, Nadia would be happy to see you again." He says. I haven't seen Nadia in a year, she was at my early graduation party. My dad invited all of his work friends and then some.

"I can't, really, id just be trouble." I say. "you wouldn't be.  I mean if you really don't want to that's okay but I'd be less worried if I knew you had a place to be." He says.

I can feel tears burning behind my eyes again. I try to push them back buts it's hard to, especially seeing the concern on spencers face. I feel a tear start to roll down my cheek, followed by more and more as the floodgates open.

"y/n you have a home to go back to with me and nadia. as long as I have a say in it, you have a place where you're always welcome." He says.

"I'm sorry. I um... I should go back inside." I say, standing up. I try to wipe the tears from my face but more just take their place. Spencer stands up and wraps his arms around me in a hug.

I lean into his arms and just cry. I can't stop apologizing, muttering "I'm sorry" over and over again. "don't apologize y/n, you didn't do anything wrong" he says, making small circles on my back.

I slowly start to calm down as spencer hugs me. Eventually, I calm down enough for the both of us to head back inside.


When we reach the hotel, everyone gets their room numbers. Most people have a group of 4 people to one room, but I'm in a group of 3. It's me, Spencer, and Joe.

"I'm so excited to sleep in a real bed again" Joe says. "I'm excited not to smack my head on the cieling in the morning." Spencer jokes. We all laugh and spencer opens the door to our room.

There's a duffle bag on the couch already,  but none of us have been inside yet. We all look at eachother and wonder if we got the wrong room. Joe check again with our list, he nods, telling us that this is in fact our room.

Spencer puts his bags down in the hallway and slowly walks into the room. "hello?" He says. Nadia appears from around a corner and runs towards spencer. "Nadia!" He yells excitedly.

Nadia hugs him and he picks her up and spins her around a few times. When he puts her down, she comes over to me and hugs me.

"y/n! I haven't seen you in so long!" She says. "it's been like a year," I say, hugging her back the best I can with my bag on my arm.

"I missed you so much kiddo!" she says. she lets me go and hugs joe. "and you! I feel like I haven't seen you since the wedding!" she says. 

we bring our things into the room and all draw straws on who gets to use the shower first. joe wins, so he gathers up some PJs and goes to shower. 

"nadia, do you remember I texted you we had to talk about something?" spencer says, sitting on the bed next to her. "yeah, I do, is everything okay?" she asks, looking between me and spencer. I keep my hands folded in my lap, trying not to pick off all of my nail polish. 

"you've met y/n's parents, right?" nadia nods. "well, right before we went on tour they got kicked out." spencer says. 

"y/n? oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry." nadia says. she gets up and hugs me tightly. it's hard not to cry. "you can always stay with us, you know that right?" she says, letting me go. I nod. "well, good to know we're on the same front there." spencer says. 

"do you want me to go get your stuff when I'm back in town? I can move you in while you guys are still touring." she says. "that would probably be a good idea. I don't think I could stand to look at my dad right now, or even in the near future." I say.

a/n this oneshot will probably have a part two. I think writing oneshots is a lot more fun than I expected.  also, feel free to dm me ideas! I can't guarantee I'll do them, but I'd still love to hear yall's ideas!

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