Chapter 7

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I let out an exasperated sigh, my head starting to ache the moment I noticed Frederick's little brother coming towards me, dragging some of his friends behind him. I honestly felt the need to cry. The little boy's behaviour was just as bad as his older brother's and their parents seem to listen and do whatever they tell them to and I was still pondering on who the child or parent was. I took a deep breath and forced a smile, looking around at all the children with a overly sweet expression.

I young girl passed by, clutching her father's hand for dear life as he argued over the phone. She looked at me and smiled lightly making me return the gesture. Her father saw this then looked at me before ushering his daughter away as if I was some creep who wanted to steal his child. I scoffed.

"Hey, creep! Coconut ice cream and make sure you wash your hands first," Billy, AKA, Frederick bitch of a brother spoke. The boy was only eleven.

Gritting my teeth, I smiled as the boys behind him laugh. Billy grinned wider as his friends laughed. I raised a brow, I could smack his dirty ass and get myself fired or I could silently teach him some manners in my head and keep my job. I chose the latter because I loved this job and it was easy. I prepared the cream and handed it to him without a word as I patiently waited for the money, however, this dog named billy had other plans and as soon as the ice cream was in his hand, he dropped it.

"You licked my cream!"

I stared in shock and bewilderment at the little boy and I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. I was fucked, I was totally fucked. I couple adults turn to look curiously at the crying boy and I felt my heart dropped as billy kept on screaming, 'she licked my ice cream'.

"What? I did not?!" I shouted in defence earning angry stares from some of the adults.

"We saw you, we all did!" Another one of Billy's friend shouted and tapped Billy's shoulder, sympathetically. The others nodded in agreement.

I looked on at them all individually, marking these fucker's faces.

Frederick, as if was waiting for his brother to start shouting came out and ran to him.

He flicked his gaze to me a look of worry crossing his features, "What's wrong with him? What's wrong with you?"

"He's lying, I swear," I said.

Frederick furrowed his brows. "What?"

"She spit in my ice cream and is forcing me to pay!" Billy shout.

Frederick gave me a furious look, hatred burning in his eyes. I threw my hand up in desperation, "I did not, you little lier."

The crowd that form gasped. I rolled my eyes. These people were shit.

Frederick stood up and came up in my face, I raised a brow, un-bothered by the threatening stare. "I knew we both had our differences, but I didn't think you'd go this for like an immature brat."

"You're brother is the brat," I spat sassily. "He's lying."

Frederick scoffed, "Why would they all tell a lie on you? They don't even know you."

"Trust me, I'm wondering too."

"You're disgusting. I'm going to report this to the boss. I knew you were going to be a problem the moment he hired you."

I gritted my teeth in annoyance and clenched my fist. My anger issues wasn't going to help at this moment. I took a deep breath to calm myself down before looking up at Frederick who towered over me in a threatening stance, "I. Did. Not. Do. It. The End. There's a camera, right? I have nothing to worry about."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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