Chapter 33: Reality (4)

Start from the beginning

"I met him once at the beginning. At that time, I was feeling a little faint from low blood sugar and I didn't see clearly. After that, we conversed mainly through messages. The next time I saw him, I realized that he was a man."

Cheng Zhi Chu waved his hand in vain. Thinking back, he really was a fool. If it wasn't for his friend telling him that Gu Zhen is a man, he probably would have been kept in the dark for a long, long time.


At that time, Cheng Zhi Chu had just finished his university entrance examinations. When he was bored, he ran over to the school that he is at now and wandered around.

It wasn't far from home; only about a two-hour drive, and it was the Cheng Zhi Chu's first preference in his university application. Although it isn't comparable to the elite university next door, it was still a good first-class university.

Cheng Zhi Chu couldn't get into the university next door and it would be a pretty good achievement if he could get into this one. Feeling bored, he came over to visit and he even ambitiously planned to take a quick stroll around the university next door. But before he could achieve his first goal, he almost fainted in the middle of the road.

Because the weather was hot and humid, and he didn't have much for breakfast that morning, the originally weak-bodied Cheng Zhi Chu felt a little faint from low blood sugar. His face went pale and his vision darkened. When he was about to faint, he felt someone grab onto him and support him over to a seat nearby.

At that time, Cheng Zhi Chu was dizzy, and he couldn't see things clearly. When he was catching his breath, he smelt a light aroma. This was then followed by the sensation of someone stuffing a few pieces of candy in his hand.

"Heatstroke or low blood sugar? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

He saw a human figure move about in front of him. That persons' voice was soft and low and, at first, he thought that it was a man. But when he saw the long black hair and the white dress, he realised that it was a girl with a slightly low voice.

"Thank you, I'm fine. It's just low blood sugar......."

Cheng Zhi Chu said this weakly and placed a candy in his mouth. After a while, the girl handed him a bottle of water. She even considerately unscrewed the bottle cap for him.

He drank some water and was able to recover a little. Although his vision was still blurry, he was able to make out most things. Just as he wanted to give the girl his thanks, he was stunned.

The girl standing before him had dark black hair and snow-white skin. She was very beautiful. Her straight black hair fell past her shoulders and she wore a white dress that made her look like a blooming flower. Her eyes were dark and clear, and she looked very pure and graceful. Seeing him look over, she revealed a small smile and said in a small voice: "Feeling better?"

"Mu-much better......Thank you..........."

Cheng Zhi Chu didn't think that the person who helped him would be such a beautiful girl. She also seemed to be a little older than him. She was the type of older sister than many boys dreamed about. He instantly felt a little embarrassed and he spoke a little awkwardly.

"Are you a student at this school?" The girl asked.

"No, I just finished the university entrance examinations. I still don't know if I got in......I just came to take a look today." Cheng Zhi Chu shook his head honestly. He was then a little curious, and couldn't help but ask, "You don't go here?"

She didn't look that much older than him. Was she not a student?

"No need to be so formal, I'm not that much older than you." The girl chuckled, "I'm from another school. I'll be in third year next year. I only came over today to help some friends out."

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