"I can't tell you! It will spoil the surprise." He replied laughing.

"Look, all I wanted was a quiet birthday! I didn't want a huge party!" I exclaimed stumbling over a step.

He knew me too well though. He knew that secretly I did want a party with all my friends and family. 

"Bit late now." He said as he uncovered my eyes to reveal my whole family, standing in Nando's.

"SURPRISE!!" Everyone was there, Keith, Mum, Dad, my uncles and aunties, my cousins, my grandparents. Even Filo and Rocky were there!

"Sorry, I hope you didn't want it low key." Harry chcuckles, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Low key?! Harry! I never want things low key! You know that! I was just being polite when I said I didn't want a big party!" I said, still shocked at how amazing everything was.

"I knew that." He said with a wink. He kissed me and made my heart flutter. He always had the tendency to do that.

A few hours into the party, Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. "What are you doing now?" I laughed as he pulled me through the crowds of people.

We were soon outside and looking up at the beautiful stars. "Giving you my birthday present." He said producing a small blue velvet box.

I gasped as he got down on one knee. "Harry!" I said, holding back tears.

"This isn't a wedding ring, don't worry." He said laughing as he noticed the expression on my face. I breathed a sigh of relief, I loved Harry but I didn't want to get married quite yet. "It's a promise ring." He said opening the box to reveal a pure silver ring with an amethyst star on it.

"This means that no matter what, I will marry you some day and I will spend the rest of my life with you. That's a promise." He said, slipping the ring onto my finger.

"Oh Harry!" I exclaimed as I flung my arms around him. He laughed and hugged me tight, pulling me closer to him.

"You promise?" He asked me raising his eye brows.

"I promise." I said, I could myself filling up with tears.


That was such an amazing day. I start crying as I remember the ring and how much I really loved him then. He was such an amazing boyfriend, all the girls used to be jealous of me at school because out of all the hot, gorgeous girls in the school, he still chose the ugly stupid one. Me.

I wipe away the last remaining tears and make my way to Nando's, thank god this is a different Nando's from my party, otherwise I would be crying the whole time. I park the car and make my way to the door where I see Hannah standing. 

"Jess!" She squeals as she flings her arms around me for a hug.

I seriously need one of those. "I'm so sorry about yesterday. I heard what happened." She says reassuringly as we walk through the doors.

The smell of peri-peri chicken hits me and makes my mouth water. "You obviously didn't hear all of it if your saying sorry to me, it was my fault." I sigh, swallowing the excess drool.

"Table for two?" The woman asks.

"Yes please." Hannah says, following behind the woman. She brings us over to the booth and we sit down, taking our jackets off.

"What do you mean? I heard Harry kissed you but Louis said it didn't end well." She asks, raising her eyebrows.

"Well yes, but did he say why it didn't end well?" I ask curiously.

"Nope." She replies.

"Well, we were kissing but I pushed him away." I mumble, feeling awful just saying it. 

"You what?!"

"It didn't feel right! It felt wierd and uncomfortable!" I protest, trying to back up my side of the story even though I know I'm the one in the wrong.

"Jess! This is Harry freakin' Styles! Millions of girls would jump off a cliff to kiss with him!" She exclaims, her eyes growing wide at the shock of me not wanting to kiss Harry.

"Well excuse me for not being an obsessed fan." I state, folding my arms.

One things for sure, this is not cheering me up. "Ohhh, I'm sorry Jess. It's just, I can never really picture you without Harry and vise-versa. It's just not right!" She sighs.

"I thought that five years ago." I mumble, thinking back to how perfect everything was.


After stuffing our faces with peri-peri chicken, we finally feel full. "Right, how's about we go shopping to cheer you up?" She asks producing her credit card.

A smile spreads across my face. "I could do with a new jacket..." I reply. I'm not really your typical girl who loves shopping but I don't want to leave Hannah just yet. Having company that isn't Maggie or Filo is a lovely change and I don't want to go home and dwell on my thoughts just yet.

She laughs and we head out the door, after paying of course. "JACK WILLS. NOW!" She exclaims, pointing in the direction of Jack Wills.

We walk to Jack Wills and open the door of the shop. It's packed as usual. "Ohhh look! I could so see you wearing this shirt!" She squeals, holding up a baby blue shirt.

"Ohh yeah, that's nice!" I reply. I look over to the body warmer section and my jaw drops to the floor. Harry is browsing the rails, like any normal guy. Gosh, my life just gets better and better.

Mwhahahahha! And that's were it ends! Oh I'm so mean aren't I ;D if you want the next chapter vote, vote, vote! And comment and fan obviously but most of all vote! I'm going to makethe target harder this time and say, 70 votes? Yeah, I;m not uploading the next chapter until it gets 70 votes, okay? Thank you! And please vote!! Lana XxxXxXXxXxxXxXxXxxXxXXxXxxXXxXxxX

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