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Sami: The famous last words for the THSC!!!

Dr. Vin: Oh don't worry it's probably not gonna explode-


Dave: Hey let me try some combat I'm sure I can take it

General: I'm using my last med kit on you, you better not do anything stupid!

Rupert: Oh someone's about to get FUCKED *Cocks gun*

Ellie: Don't worry I can bonk multiple times!

Sven: Don't worry I can fist multiple times!

Charles: ....I'm sorry what did Sven say-

Geoffrey: Don't make me use my secret weapon! *Starts throwing it back*

Reginald: *Sneaking into frame* Shh! *Sneaks out of frame*

Thomas: As long as we don't roll a nat 1 we'll be fine-

Burt: Alright, it looks like we're not in danger, let's just take a short rest

Henry: I'm the reason we died...I should've cared when I casted fireball into that room....

Triple Threat Incorrect Quotes (BOOK 3!) FINALEWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu