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Ellie: What's your problem?

Dr. Vin: No problem! That's my problem

Ellie: Then what's the problem?

Dr. Vin: That I'm a problem solver

Dr. Vin: I need a problem to solve!

Ellie: Ok, your finances, did you solve that?

Dr. Vin: Oh yeah, no problem

Ellie: Ok well do you get enough sleep at night?

Dr. Vin: Yes

Ellie: No major insecurities?

Dr. Vin: No

Ellie: Your happy with being my girlfriend?

Dr. Vin: Of course!

Ellie: Your healthy?

Dr. Vin: Done! I've solved ALL of those!

Ellie: Well you solved all your basic problems, now you need fulfilment

Dr. Vin: But I got my fulfilment SOLVING the basic problems

Ellie: Then why aren't you fulfilled?

Dr. Vin: Because I ran out of problems!!!

Ellie: Well that's problematic!

Dr. Vin: Probably


Ellie: THAT is a problem to solve!

Dr. Vin: ....What is?

Ellie: Having no problem to solve!

Dr. Vin: Well how do I solve the problem of having no problems?

Ellie: ....

Ellie: Well that's not my problem.

Dr. Vin: ....Sweetie what is your problem?!

Triple Threat Incorrect Quotes (BOOK 3!) FINALEWhere stories live. Discover now