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Educator: I'll get him to you. Hayden: Thanks. The educator goes over to the babies, and then she takes Gareth up in her arms, and then she goes over to Hayden. Educator: Look Gareth, is that your dad? The educator gives Gareth to Hayden. Hayden: Thanks, for taking care of my son. Educator: You're welcome. After that, Hayden goes home with Gareth. A little later: Hayden comes home with Gareth. Amara is already home. Amara: Hey. Hayden: Hey. Amara: Hey, Gareth, you look tired. Hayden gives Gareth to Amara. Amara goes into the bedroom, and she puts Gareth into bed. Suddenly is Hayden coming into the bedroom. Hayden: Amara, there's something i need to tell you. Amara: And what is that? Hayden: I don't think it's gonna work out with the nursery. Amara: Why not? Hayden: I don't really like my job, so i'm gonna find a new job, and then i can be home to take care of Gareth, while you're working. Amara: Okay, when are you gonna quit your job. Hayden: I don't know, but i'm gonna find something. Amara: Okay. Gareth is 8 months old. It's almost afternoon: Hayden is at work. Hayden sees Ronan, and goes over to him. Hayden: Hey. Ronan: Hey. Hayden: I have to talk with you. Ronan: Okay, about what? Hayden: I don't like my job here in the kitchen. Ronan: But you're very good at cooking. Hayden: Thank you, but what I'm trying to say is that i quit. Ronan: Why? Hayden: But i hate it. Ronan: Oh, okay, i understand. Hayden: Thanks for understanding. Ronan: You're welcome. Later: It's afternoon: Hayden just got home. Amara just got home with Gareth, and now she's in the living room. Hayden goes into the living room, to Amara. Hayden: Hey. Amara: Hey. Suddenly is Gareth crying. Hayden: Amara, where's Gareth?

Hayden And AmaraWhere stories live. Discover now