the guardians compound

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Dick's p.o.v

**Scott McCall**Jason said as we walked into a diner**yes**he said putting down a cup on the table. i looked around the diner everyone was starring at us i looked at peter and said**everyone is looking at us**he looked around and said**i have an idea**then he got up on a table and said**everyone stop staring you're making my friends feel not welcome**one of the people stood up and said**you're not you let bone crusher into this town and he killed half of my family and many others**everyone started to agree. then out of no where i snapped i stood on top of a table and screamed**WE DID WHAT WE COULD TO SAVE THE REST OF THE WORLD BUT YOU CANT BLAME US WE GOT OUR ASS'S HANDED TO BUT WE ARE TRYING TO BRING THEM BACK**Jason looked at me and grabbed which made me calm down so i continued**we put on our suits and we save life's and some are lost but the is part of our job so while you're in your house we are out there. so just give us a break we only have so many heroes left**they all nodded and sat down. i got down from the table and looked at Scott and said**we need you to come with us**he got up and got in my face and said**i don't have to go anywhere with anyone**were going with them Scott McCall weather you like it or not**i look over to see Stiles Stilinski walking in with a folder in his hand. Scott stepped away and mumbled**yes babe**i looked at tony and he looked at peter then back at me and i whispered**lock the door**to which he walked over to the door and turned the lock then stood in front of the door. tony did the same to the back door. i turned to Scott and stiles and said**what do you have for us**he sat down in front of me and Jason handed me the folder and said**we know that he did what he said he would he whipped out half of the heroes on earth. but what he doesn't know is that we have a way to bring them back and it is at the guardians compound all the way in New York but we cant get in there because of the remaining guardians are there and right now we are not welcome**i looked at Jason and then at them and said**well it's worth a shot*.

Brandon's p.o.v

me, grandma and Liz were in the lab trying to find a way to bring everyone back i threw down the tools and looked at grandma and said**we can't bring them back we tried and tried and nothing-**i was interrupted by a knock at the door. i looked at them then walked to the door and opened it to see**the McCall's and the rest of the heroes **grandma and Liz walking in behind me and stopped talking when they saw them. i looked at who was by a car. it was who i thought bone crusher i pulled them in with my energy and slammed the door and looked at them and said**Liz take grandma and get to the lab and make sure the device dose not leave this compound**they nodded and ran to the lab. i looked at The McCall's and said**you guys stay here don't leave the compound until we get back**they nodded and walked away**and the rest of you with me he's here and he's ready to fight**the nodded and walked with me into the front lawn. i looked at the bone crusher and said**you can't win**he stood up straight and said**you know i heard that saying way too much**Jason was going to say something when i said**what do you mean**he looked at us and said**i have been to many world throughout my life but this one. it's different. why?**i looked at everyone than at him and said**it's because we have an army who's about to kick your ass**after i said that everyone left came out of the compound and stood beside me. i looked at him and said**5 years ago you whipped out half of all heroes with just one wish and brought villains to our world and you were just waiting for us to give up our location so you can blow up the compound but we are always one. step. a. head.**he tilted his head confused i looked at grandma and said**do it now**she lifted the device in the air and said**i wish for everything to go back to normal**the device shined bright as the wish came true everyone was appearing in front of us and bone crusher was gone.  once the wish came true everyone that was gone was back and now it is over we won for now and now we have to wait. i looked at everyone and said**welcome to the guardians compound you guys are now part of the guardians.**. i walked back into the compound.

3 months later 

Matthew's p.o.v 

me, peter, dick, Jason, Brandon, Liz, ej, Nathan, Bruce, Tony, William, Kevin, Archie, Scott and Stiles are sitting in the conference room arguing over what to do about Tim. i looked up from the table and while slamming my hands yelling**OK OK OK OK everyone shut the fuck up**everyone got quite i continued**i know we are still trying to get used to things but we cant sit here and argue over what to do about Tim. Bruce he is your kid not my'n so why don't you talk to Tim and ask him why he won't talk to us abou-**i was cut off by Tim walking into the room and saying**the reason i don't talk is because i will die if he finds out that you guys are on to him and his big plan. you need to stop him before it's too late he is in the final stage of his plan he just needs to get the rings that i have but i won't be able to stop him because i have to go off of earth and find help. the rings are in my pillow hidden in the base so keep it safe till i get back**with that said he walked out. i looked at everyone and said**we can't beat him on our own we need help and the only other person is none other than Clark Kent aka superman**Bruce looked at me and said**he's off earth After new York he and Lois took a deal and hasn't been seen again**peter looked at them and said**then we have no other choice then to go to johnny hamming**i looked at peter and said**no we're not going to the "rat" for help do you remember what he did to your family and mine.**peter was going to say something when ej said**why can't we get help from him**i got up from the table and walked over to the window looking out it and said**johnny hamming was a friend of mine back when i was in 2nd grade up to high school we were really good friends until one day he tried to kill my mom pepper and my dad tony because i ruined his life by being the kid of a superhero so i went to strange and he told me that johnny hamming is a threat the multiverse so i tried to take him down but he over powered me and broke my leg and arm so i was left for dead until peter found me on the ground apparently when he broke my leg the bone ripped right through the skin and i was in a pool of my own blood. peter told me that if he was a second too late then i would have died from blood loss so i told him who did that to me and he had the maddest look on his face so i asked him why why he was mad and that was hen he told me that he was in love with me and that when tony died he was going to stop being spider man but may talked him out of it. but anyway after all that and after i was heeled i went to go find johnny but had no luck. so that is why we are not getting help from him**everyone in the room looked at me like i was insane then my helmet on my suit came over my head and my arm lifted to ej ready to shoot. i said**my suit is being hacked its locked on to you and i cant stop**ej put his suit on and said**then lets take it out side**then we took to the sky shooting each other and getting good hits on each other. after about ten minutes of fighting he hit my suit with a device and i got control over my suit so we went back to the compound and i took off my suit and walked in to see everyone yelling at each other so i walk into at armory and grab a gun make sure its loaded and walk back it to the room aiming the gun in the air then when i get in the door way i shoot the gun and say**everyone shut up and tell me what the hell is going on**dick looks at me and says**they want to keep bone crusher prisoner hear in the compound that has the device we are trying to keep away from him but we want to kill him so he won't come back and kill anyone else**i looked at everyone then yelled**EVERYONE SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND STOP ARGUING**everyone sat at the table and waited for me to say what i have to say**OK now that everyone is calmed downed as much as i wan't to kill him we can't not yet we nee-**i was cut off by someone saying**it's now or never stark**we all looked at the door and saw Clark Kent. i stand up and say**we are not going to kill him we do not stand for killing we are heroes not villains. Now let's discuss what to do**everyone nodded and sat down at the table i was going to say something when F.R.I.D.A.Y said**sir i have detected a large amount of people**i looked at peter and said**where**F.R.I.D.A.Y said**out front**i looked at everyone and said**gear up we do this here and now this is where we stand our ground i don't care how just. take. him. down.**

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