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When I met up with Katsu, both of us were stumbling.

"Why are you stumbling around?"

Katsu asked me.

"I could ask you the same thing."

I spat back.

"Alright, on the count of three, we'll say why. Ready?"

Katsu asked me, and I nodded.






We looked at each other, surprised at the others answer.

"Well this is interesting."

Katsu said with a laugh, causing me to laugh.

"Yea. Just to get our legs working right again, wanna train with me?"

I asked her, and she nodded.

"Let's go!"

We cheered.

We were both really strong, and Hagoromo-sama was watching us.

"Next time you guys do something like you 2 did yesterday, Atleast make sure no one's watching."

He spoke, causing me and Katsu to blush in embarrassment.

We apologized but he waved it off, before speaking.

"I was gonna ask you 2 if you wanted to marry my sons anyways. They seem very close to you, and you are strong."

We nodded, and he walked off, as we went back to training.

As we went in to clash weapons, we were both grabbed from behind, and sat on someone's shoulders.



She shouted in unison, as the boys carried us to the gates of the village.

"We have another mission."

They spoke in unison.

We nodded, before we all headed out, as the boys continued carrying us.

We were just walking, until Katsu made a face.

I felt something weird going on with my stomach, and me and Katsu rushed into the trees.

We both puked up anything we had for breakfast, and I chalked it up to over-training, but Katsu seemingly thought otherwise.

(Yes, I know pregnancy takes longer than a day to show up. Just humor me 🥲)

"We didn't even go all out, how would it have been the training?"

She asked me.

I shrugged, before we walked back to the boys.

They picked us up again, this time in a frontal piggy-back, so our chests were pressed up against theirs.

Katsu fell asleep, and Asura put her on his back, Incase he needed to fight.

"If you wanna go to sleep, you can, N/N.

I nodded in gratefulness, because I had a pounding headache, and I hung my arms over his shoulders as I drifted off to sleep.
When I woke up, I was lying on top of Indra, on cold, hard, concrete floor.

Someone had captured us while we were sleeping, which is a surprise, since Indra is a surprisingly light sleeper.

"Pretend your sleep, it's apart of the mission."

I heard Indra whisper in my ear, and I nodded, as the guards outside our door peered in, only to see us still knocked out.

"You sure you didn't kill the boy when you hit him?"

One of the guards asked.

'Ah, so he's acting because they fell into his trap, by 'knocking' him unconscious'

I thought to myself.

"I can't wait till the girl wakes up, just wait till we have our fun with her!"

The first guard drooled.

"Yea, but her blind eyes just staring at you is kinda creepy."

The second guard stated.

"Just leave her blindfold on, you dumbass."

The first guard snapped, causing the second guard to back off.

I looked across into the cell across from ours, and saw Katsu and Asura, chained to the wall.

"I feel like the dragon girl will be more fun than that weird girl thing."

An irk mark grew on my forehead, and Indra gripped my hand tightly, his heartbeat telling me he's furious.

All of a sudden, a groan came from Asura, and I noticed he looked over to Katsu, before the cell exploded.

"You..you dare hurt my lover?"

Asura growled.

Damn, Asura can be scary when it comes to Katsu.


"Watch out!"

|𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚃𝚘 𝙼𝚢 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚜 |Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن