Villain talk: The skrill.

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" Villain talk studios".

Soul- HEEEEEEEELLO ALL YOU VILLAINS, HERO'S AND OTHER KIND OF PEOPLE OUT THERE, we're back with another episode of: VILLAIN-TALK. As you know, I'm your host soulslicer, to my right is doctor Kenny flugsly PHD, or doctor flug or flug for short and to my left is my wonderful girlfriend demencia.

Flug- "does Vulcan salute" greetings, live well and prosper.

Demi- NERD.

Flug- SCREW OFF, I'VE JUST FINISHED REWATCHING LOWER DECKS AND I'M IN A STAR TREK MOOD. that the movie with the lightsabers and the force and dark side and stu-

Soul- WOAH, WOAH, let's put a pin in that demi, last thing we need is a star wars vs star trek thing.

Demi-.........aren't they the same thing?.

Soul- "sweating bullets" HEY, DID YOU HEAR, WE GOT A SPECIAL GUEST.

Black hat- hello dear viewers, soul convinced me to make a special guest appearance today, saying I would be interested in what villain we're talking about today.

Soul- Oh, this ain't a villain, it's a dragon.


Soul- what?.

Flug- "points to background sign that says "villain talk".

Soul- I know, but there this guy that really wants a talk about a dragon today, so angledust, this is for you, a one time exception since I like you, not playing favourites anyone, just felt like it. Today's dragon is-

The screen switches to a scene showing storm clouds, thunder roared, lighting flashes and crashes, and out of the clouds shoots a dark purple dragon draped in electricity.

The screen switches to a scene showing storm clouds, thunder roared, lighting flashes and crashes, and out of the clouds shoots a dark purple dragon draped in electricity

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Soul- THE SKRILL.........thoughts.

Black hat- You were right, this is certainly worth my time, it looks fierce and able to rip people apart.

Flug- Definitely a very dangerous dangerous dragon, lightning is possibly one of my favourite powers due to its raw destructive power.

Demi- "munch on all-dressed chips" Can I have one.

Everyone except soul- HELL NO.

Black hat- So what can this thing do.

Soul- well, from what our files say, it's a large purple, black and gray dragon that belongs to the strike class, it's able to control lightning to a frightening degree, it's been show to be able to: shoot controlled bursts or beams of lightning from its mouth, create an electric shockwave, able to somewhat absorb and turn it's body into lighting to a certain degree to give it super speed, it has a powerful bite, a huge wingspan and can coat it's body into lightning.

Black hat- "grows creepy grin" Flug, could you get me one later please.

Flug- You want me to go and wrangle a goddammn lizard that can fire beams of lighting so powerful it could punch a hole in a cruise ship.

Black hat-.............yes.

Demi- "passes some chips to soul" So, what does it eat, lightning.


Demi- "shrugs and munches".

Soul- "munches on chips" Actually, your not as far as you may think, they actually eat a variety of electrified eels.

Demi-.........I wonder if they taste good.

Flug- Please, it would probably shock some intelligence into your messed up head.


Flug- Oh I'm so sc-

It then cut to Flug with his goggles broken and body twisted like a pretzel.

Soul- What did we learn.

Flug- Shut-the-fuck-up.

Black hat- Can we continue, I have souls to torture.

Demi- Oh, what are it's weaknesses.

Soul- Good question, it can't use its lightning in water.

Flug- That's kinda ironic since water is a conductor for electricity.

Soul- It's preference of a place to sleep seems to be icey environments, including caverns located in snowy regions and ice caves.

Demi- I like the spikes on its back, they look perfect for impaling enemies.

Flug- I think that's actually how it controls lightning.

Soul- Your right flug, the spikes are actually metal, allowing them to absorb electricity and unleash it as deadly volts of lightning.

Black hat- And what of their mannerisms, what are they know for.

Soul- Extremely independent and stubborn, get on the wrong side of them and you might as well be signing your death warrent, but train one and their fiercely loyal, their known to be one of the fastest of the dragons, as well as incredibly intelligent.

Soul- So, final thoughts?.


Soul- Demi, I love you, but there is no way I'm adopting a giant lightning shooting lizard. But I do agree that it is cool, one of my favourite creatures that I've read about so far.

Flug- Truly an apex predator of the Dragon community, I can see why it's so feared.

Black hat- This dragon has earned my approval of evilness, it's deadly, powerful and fierce at dangerous levels, truly a beast worthy of me to own. So all of you go get me one, NOW.

" Later".

Flug was shown to be shivering as the gang walked through an icy wasteland.


He suddenly frozen as he got the strange feeling of that he was being watched, he slowly turned around to come face to face with a titan wing skrill, glaring at him.

Flug- "shit his pants face" D-d-d-d-d-d-d-did i say stupid reptile, I me-


The camera then cut to flug running while the skrill followed him, shooting random bolts of lightning at him as demi and soul cuddled up in their tent wrapped in a blanket, drinking hot coca.

Soul- That's it for now villain lovers, I'm your host soul-

Demi- and I'm demencia-

Soul/demi- and we'll see you next time.



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