"Okay, remember, nothing past kissing," he reminded her.

"I know, Daddy."

"And I'm still not comfortable with you two alone."

"Yes, Daddy. I'll have Mir, Pri, Abbs, and Ty with me."

"I told you not to call me that," Tyler huffed, crossing his arms, although secretly happy that she did. [WE ALSO STAN PLATONIC TSUNDERE TYLER DID I NOT MENTION?]

"Sorry, Ty."

"And be home before dark or I'll assume to get prepared for an unwanted pregnancy."

"Daddy!" With a sigh, she gave him a hug. "I love you, Daddy." [*Little Mermaid flashbacks intensify*]

"I love you, too, sweetie."

Pulling away, Y/n grabbed one Mei's warm, who turned and called, "Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!"

But Ming turned around quickly, making brisk steps towards him. "Hold on. You're not going out like that, are you?"

With a scoff, he answered, arms crossed, "My panda, my choice, Mom." But he broke into a smile quickly, hugging her around the waist. "I'll be back before dinner, okay?"

"Fine." She hugged him back before realizing everyone was still there. "Oh. Um, you're welcome to join us," she offered. "You, as well, Mr. L/n."

"For my future father-in-law's cooking?" Y/n joked excitedly, making Mei turn red. [HAHAHAHA I'M SO DUCKING CLEVER -]

"Uh, yeah!" Miriam agreed.

"We're so there," Priya nodded.

"I suppose. We did start off on the wrong foot, after all," F/n nodded, then warned the kids sternly, "Don't load up on junk."

"Thanks for covering for me, Dad," Mei called to his father, who had taken the cardboard panda costume and had put it on.

"Have fun," he replied as he put the head on.

Miriam had her arm around Y/n, guiding her and the rest of the group out of the temple, who had her other hand in Mei's.

And, yeah, sometimes I miss how things were. Not Y/n and I just getting friends. I don't think I'll ever miss that. But my mom and I? ...yeah, I kinda miss that. But nothing stays the same forever.

He looked back one more time as he saw Ming helping with a customer. Noticing him looking, she smiled at him. Mei smiled back, then said to the group excitedly, "Omg, I'm so excited for the new album!"

We've all got an inner beast. We've all got a messy, loud, weird part of ourselves hidden away. And a lot of us never let it out.

Ming led the next group inside of the temple, where in the middle, a picture of the friend group with their favorite 4*Town member and Mr. Gao and Robaire in the back on one side and the Lee and L/n families on the other, Mei a giant panda in the middle, hugging Y/n closely off the ground to his chest, both grinning wildly at the camera, 4*Town signatures all over.

But I did.

But hidden on both Mei's nightstand next to the picture of his mother and on Y/n's wall next to the taped together picture that had been under her pillow for so long were the only two copies of Mei and Y/n backstage, Mei lifting Y/n off the ground in a bear hug with 4*Town by their sides or in the back.

How about you?

And they all lived happily ever after.

The end.


" And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. " - 1 Corinthians 13:13


I know it's hard
Being what they want
You feel that you
Can't crumble, stumble, fall
Or risk it all
But there are things
We can't control
So step out of the shadows
And follow me home

So what if you're messy? So what if you're loud?
So what if you want what's not allowed?
So what if you cry? I've been there, too
I'm not giving up on you
So you aren't perfect, hey, that's okay
Let's get to look at it a different way
It's time to just be true
And accept the change in you

So take my hand
Let's walk through this together
We shall rewrite
The pain, the chains, the weight
No more tonight
It's time to breath
It's time to grow
It's time to make this world our own

So what if we're messy? So what if we're loud?
So what if we want a different sound?
So what if you scream? I've been there, too
And I refuse to still lose you
You say you're broken, so here I am
I'll be your glue so we can stand
It's time to just be true
And accept the change in...

My greatest fear has come true
The last thing I wanted was to hurt you
My son, my treasure, my light

Hey, we're gonna be alright

Mei, Ming:
'Cause we're not perfect, but that's alright
We'll see things in a different light

It's time to just be true

I'll accept the change in you

So what if we both want something new?

Mei, Ming:
It doesn't mean that I won't love you

The more you reach, my pride will, too

Mei, Ming:
I'll accept the change in you

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