Chapter 3: Welcome To The Club!

Start from the beginning

Y/n - Yup. I am born unique.

He placed the unconscious body of Lucifer on a sofa still with steam above her head and for some odd reasons, she is drooling and kept saying the name, "Y/n" over and over again.

Rias notices this situatiom and said,

Rias - Hmmm........ This is weird. She kept saying your name, Y/n and she is drooling. Like she was in a dream with you. Could it be that this is one of the side-effects of your flirting?

Y/n - Actually, Yeah. Ahh. I still remember my high school days way back in America. When I flirt at girls there on my previous school, that situation always happen to me. I don't know if that is a good thing or not but I do not know what to do with that. All I can say and know is that, when I carry that girl who went unconscious and kept saying my name over and over again whoever that is all the way to the clinic, the nurse always say that they experience that weird phenomenon called, "Dream Ecstasy".

Author - Dream Ecstasy is a weird phenomenon offcially made by me. Dream Ecstasy again is a weird phenomenon that when a woman or a girl was flirted by Y/n, they will experience extreme ecstasy to the point that they will become unconscious, a hot steam was produced above on their head and kept saying his name over and over again. They keep saying his name over and over again because he appeared on their dream and experiencing never-evending happiness and love while in a place called "Paradise of Love". The duration lasts depending on the intensity of passion and how Y/n flirted that girl or a woman. The girl or woman will never die while they are dreaming. The maximum duration that Y/n inflicted this weird ability of his to a girl is 7 days. The only negative effect of this weird phenomenon is that when it is not cured early. Maximum of not being cured is 1 month. That means Y/n has only 1 month to cure that girl or else they will be forever unconscious. Kind of like an immortal person with comatose. When that depressing situation happens, there is only one way to make the girl woke up from their deep dream and that is a true love kiss. A kiss that is so intense and deep that can make the girl wake up obviously. However, there is another side-effect of that kiss and that is the recipient of the kiss will only remember what happened before the Dream Ecstasy occured. So, there you have it, my dear readers, that is the detailed information of the phenomenon, Dream Ecstasy. Officially made by me.

Y/n - That's all I can say. But don't worry, the effects were not severe. If it does, I'm going to wake her up with a true love kiss.

All the girls - WHAAAAT?!

Y/n - By the way, this is my first time kissing a girl so Lucifer-sama will be so lucky to receive my first kiss directly.

All the girls - EHHHHHH?!?! They yelled while blushing furiously.

Y/n - Here I go.

Y/n is slowly leaning his face to Lucifer's face. But suddenly, someone yelled, halting the kissing process.

Akeno - Wait!!

Y/n looked at Akeno with a puzzled look saying,

Y/n - Hmmmm? What's wrong, Akeno-san?

Akeno - I-I-I-Is there any other way to cure this weird phenomenon?

Y/n - Hmm.. Let me think about it....... *as an idea suddenly popped into his mind* Aha! There we go! I'm gonna just going to hug her body for 5 minutes straight and I think that will work, hopefully. I cannot guarantee you that this method will work. But okay, if you insist.

Akeno - Whew! What a relief.

Y/n - But before that, I'm going to ask you a question, Akeno-san. Why did you halted my kiss? Is it because you're jealous or is it because this is my first time and you want yourself to take it in any way you can?

Akeno - Eeeeep! *then she blushed like a madman and acted like a cute shy girl for the first time in the entire series* I-I-I-It could be b-b-b-both or the other one.

Kayla - Oh man. What a direct question and answer. He said dumbfounded.

Koneko - I've never seen Akeno-san acted like this. All I know is she always acts seductively if she saw the person she really likes.

Y/n - Oh I see. Well, thanks for the information though. He casually said.

Y/n immediately proceed to hug Lucifer's body. After a minute, a large pink rose suddenly appeared beneath them.

Even Koneko got surprised. It's like she never saw something like this before.

Koneko - What is this?!

The next four minutes of curing this "weird" phenomenon, the rose beneath them began to transform into thin stream of lines of love energy. Lucifer's body began to absorb the love energy.

Soon enough, a large explosion of soothing and calming energy suddenly appeared in the whole ORC room.

The next thing happened is miraculously, Lucifer's face began to change. From drooling to normal face. She then rise up from the sofa, hold her head and said,

Lucifer - Ugggh. My head... What happened?

Y/n - Well, what do you know. It actually worked. Welcome back Lucifer. I'm going to explain everything later. For now, take a rest...... on my lap.

Lucifer - Oh.... Okay. *as she realized something* Wait! On your lap?!

Y/n - Why not?

Lucifer - Wait. Usually girls do that. But for a boy like you? It's so unusual. But *she smiled sweetly* okay.

Rias and Akeno - EHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?! They exclaimed in unison.

Y/n prepared his lap and Lucifer happily take a rest on it. He gently and lovingly caress her dark-red hair.

Lucifer - Thanks, Y/n.

Y/n understood what she meant and he only said,

Y/n - Your welcome.

To be continued...

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