viii. | sulfur leads to demonic possession

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"You don't think it was," Sam stated, staring at Jerry. Emery felt bad for the guy. One of his friends survived a plane crash, and he thought that all that blood was on his hands.

That has got to be tough.

"No, I don't," Jerry said.

"Jerry, we are going to need any passenger manifests, a list of survivors," Emery started listing stuff off, Dean sending her a look of approval.

"Right, and– um– anyway we could take a look at the wreckage?" Dean finished Emery's sentence.

"The other stuff is not a problem, but the wreckage fellows the NTSP has it locked in a evidence warehouse," Jerry stated, and Emery's good mood depleted. "No way I've got that kind of clearance."

Emery nodded, feeling a little sad.

"No problem," Dean said, shaking his head, a mischievous look on his face.


While Dean was in the Copy Jack, Emery wandered up and down the stretch. She knew it was gonna take awhile for Dean to get whatever new fake ID he wanted.

Bored, she went into a book store and started browsing. Emery made her way to the fantasy section and looked through the books. When she found nothing interesting, she went to the action section. Emery scrolled through the section, before her eyes landed on a book called Supernatural. She bent down and slid it out of the shelf, reading the back.

Emery guffawed, surprised how similar the characters in the book were to Sam, Dean and herself. She flipped the book over, looking at the cover to see two men, their muscles noticeable, both of them resembling Sam and Dean, with a girl that resembled her hanging off the one that looked like Dean. Intrigued, Emery grabbed all the books that were by Carver Edlund from the shelf and brought them to the till.

She got back just as Dean did, and slid into the Impala's backseat, ignoring the two boys as she opened the first book. Emery kept up the reading, frowning as she read about a mother named Mary get burned alive on the roof of her son's nursery, her stomach cut open. Her frown deepened when she read about a father named John, and his two son's name Sam and Dean. It deepened even further (if possible) when she read about John saving a twelve year old named Emery from a werewolf.

This all seemed way too familiar.

"Hey, Em, what do you think?" A voice stopped Emery from reading further, and she looks up confused.

"Huh?" Was her reply, and Dean gave her a confused look, in which she responded by holding up her book.

He shook his head, not caring that she was reading, and continued to discuss the case with Sam. Soon after Emery continued her reading, wondering why Carver Edlund didn't tell the readers the last names of the characters, the Impala roared to life, and took off down the road.

"Come on, Wilson, we got a person to interrogate," Dean said, and Emery held her finger up, signalling 'one moment'. She finished the two sentences to the end of the chapter, before dog-earing the page and setting the book down on the seat.

The hunters flashed their fake IDs at the front desk person at Riverfront Psychiatric Hospital and Dean asked for the person they needed to talk to.

"I don't understand, I already talked to Homeland Security," the person said, sounding confused.

"Right, some new information has come up, so if you could just answer a couple questions," Dean lied/explained.

"Just before the plane went down, did you notice anything unusual?" Sam questioned, staring down at the person.

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