2. Self-defense... Really?

Start from the beginning

Jungkook: Oh really? How do YOU know that she is not interested in me?

You: Because I am her friend and she tells me everything.

Jungkook: Did she ever tell you that she is not interested in me in particular?

You: What?... She... she did not-

Jungkook: Oh, I get it now. YOU don't want ME to be her boyfriend...

You: Why do you think I would even care about YOU being her boyfriend?

Jungkook: I don't know. May be you want to ensure that I am single for you I guess. Kind of making sure things are transparent between us.

You: What nonsense? Let go of me. And I promise that I will let you get out of her house instantly. And I promise that I won't hit you. Now leave me.

Jungkook: Oh, sorry I didn't realize I was still holding you.

He then let go of you slowly, one hand after the other. As if he didn't want to let go. You felt the hesitation in his actions.

You in your mind: Didn't realize?? Seriously he expects me to buy that? How can he not realize holding someone that close to him with his damn head resting on my shoulders with his face inches away from mine? I need to keep some distance from him. He gives me some super creepy vibes...

You: Now go before I get the cops.

Just then Irene came out from the washroom calling out your name and stood in front of Jungkook. He was standing next to the fridge so she didn't see him. Her back faced Jungkook as she faced you straight.

Irene: Oh, you are here? I thought you went back home. I had been calling your name from so long. 

You: I wouldn't go, the assignments have to be done and submitted tomorrow and I really need your help. But before that, what do we do about him? I found him snooping around in your house just now.

Irene: Who? (She turned and saw Jungkook standing behind her with a smile on his face) him? Sorry, I forget to introduce you guys. This is Jungkook, my brother. (looking at Jungkook she spoke) And this is y/n, my best friend.

Jungkook: Yeah, I got that. I have met her before.

You: Brother? I thought you were a single child.

Irene: I am. He is my cousin brother. He came from abroad and got enrolled in our school-

You: and he would be walking with me and my brother every day to school and back. He is my brother's best friend.

Irene: Oh really? Taehyung oppa?

You: I have just one brother eonnie.

Irene: Oh...I see... Now I know why he got so excited when I told that you would come in the evening-

Jungkook bumped her back with his elbow and started coughing out loudly all of a sudden grabbing Irene's attention. She then changed the topic instantly. You started at her blankly, expecting her to explain what she just said. But she changed the topic.

Irene: Hey let's start with the assignment now.

You: O...Okay. Sure.

Irene turned towards the fridge to get some refreshments.

Jungkook: Call me if you girls need anything.

He then looked at you and spoke in low husky voice, coming close to your ears.

Jungkook: anything...

You felt your mind going blank and so you just nodded your head and he exited the kitchen with a smirk. You really felt that something was extremely off about this Jungkook guy. You were now firm that you have to stay away from him. You finished with the assignments at around 2:30 am. Irene was in deep sleep by then. You checked if she was awake, since you were a bit hungry after all the writing and researching. You decided to go to the kitchen and help yourself. 

On the way to the kitchen, you happened to pass by Jungkook's room. You saw that his room lights were on and so you thought of peeking to see what he was doing at this hour. You slowly pushed his door and entered. You saw that he was laying on the bed facing the other side. You went a bit close to his sleeping form and bent to see his face. He looked like an angel sleeping soundly. You spoke softly to yourself.

You speaking to yourself softly: White really suits him well. And does he always sleep with lights on? Such a big boy. Muscular on the outside, a baby on the inside.

You giggled and were about to leave.

Jungkook: So you really want to see me this bad?

You jumped at the thought of being caught red handed, peeking at him and calling him a baby. You quickly decided to run, but he was fast enough to stop you from running away. He caught your wrist and pulled you away from the door. He closed it and locked it and turned to face you now with a sly smirk. All this happened in such a speed that you took a few seconds to process what exactly happened. How on earth does he manage to do things with this kind of agility?? That too when he was literally in deep sleep? At least he looked like that, on the bed. You took a few steps back as he looked very intimidating while he walked towards you with slow steps.

You: I...I... saw the lights on so I thought of checking what you were doing. I...I didn't mean anything else.

He bent down and whispered to you, almost brushing his lips to your ears.

Jungkook: I didn't say that you meant anything else.

He stood up straight again and bit his lower lips looking at your flustered state at just his one little statement. He then gave you a one-sided smirk with his head a bit tilted. His eyes never left yours. He had that captivating aura...something you could not understand. You then managed to gather a bit of your hidden strong self and spoke without stuttering.

You: I think I should go now.

Jungkook: Where will you go at this hour?

You: To the kitchen.

He straightened his head and raised a brow. The smirk on his face was gone.

Jungkook: Kitchen?

You: Yes. I just finished with the assignment and felt hungry. Irene was in deep sleep so I thought of helping myself and I bumped here.

Jungkook: Oh... that's nice. Now that you mentioned eating, I would love to join you.

You: Sure.

You and him ended up eating quite a few things from Irene's kitchen, almost emptying it from snacks. You spoke to him and felt that he was not as crafty as you thought about him. He is your brother's best friend and your brother wouldn't introduce goons to you.

The next day

You and Irene were about to leave for the school when Jungkook came up running from behind.

You: Hey you can walk to my house, Taehyung said he would be walking with you everyday. So I guess he might wait for you there.

Jungkook: I'd rather walk with my noona today. It won't be very gentlemanly of me if I leave two pretty ladies (he looked at you and winked) walk by themselves in this big unsafe city...

Irene: Okay okay kookie, you can come with us and stop with all this drama.

He started smiling like a big kid. He quickly went to your side and started walking almost brushing your fingers most of the times. You realized what he was trying to do and so you just caught his hand twirling your fingers with his. He felt shocked at your bold move.

You: There, we can walk like this for some time, so that you stop brushing your fingers with mine on purpose...

His eyes widened and he was clearly flustered by what you said. Irene was just laughing like a crackhead at what you did to him and his reaction was epic for her. She had never seen him like this before. He was always cold to everyone. He never made friends in his childhood. His father always took him with him and kept him in the office for most of the time. He was trained to be good at fights and all. Irene never liked Jungkook's father. He was very weird and bossy. He even wouldn't let Jungkook attend school regularly. He took him wherever he went. Jungkook used to be sad and grumpy most of the times. It is only now that she is seeing him like this. She was happy for him.

Jungkook in his mind: Irene was right. She is a bit too out spoken. But it is alright. I need to get used to this, since I want to be with her for life.

She is my happiness... The one I had been looking for.

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