Chapter 1

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5:15 My alarm clock reads. 45 more minutes until I have to get up for my first day at (another) new school. I have had bad experiences with going to school. I'm always the bullies target. I'm just hoping this will be the right school. I'm Jordyn by the way. I'm 16 years old. My hair is natural beach waves and brown with blondish (also natural) highlights. I'm about 5'8" I'm actually really pretty, my mom says that the people who bully me are just jealous. I slowly drift to sleep when... "You turn me on, I like what I see. When you bounce that thing, like a trampoline" my alarm clock sings Trampoline by Kalin and Myles. I hum along as I roll out of bed. I put on my morning Spotify playlist and the first song is Never be Alone by my best friend Shawn Mendes. We have been friends since kindergarten in Canada, until I started moving everywhere. I was so happy when he started singing and got a record deal! I'm always listening to his songs. I sing along as I pick out my clothes.
Turquoise floral blue skater skirt
White flowy crop top that says Beautiful
White converse

I walk over to my bathroom and take a quick shower. After hoping out I start putting on some makeup. I put on some wet and wild mascara and add a little bit of blush to lighten my cheeks. I decide to leave my hair in its natural state. Which is brown and wavy. Normally I don't like straightening or curling my hair. I quickly make my bed and do a little cleaning around my room.

"Jordyn" my mom yells from down stairs. "Your breakfast is made! Grayson! Come on you two you don't want to be late on your first day of you new school!" My mom says all excited. I roll my eyes and laugh. Grayson is my older brother. He's 17 and he is 6'1". We get along better then most siblings. He has brown hair with blonde streaks in the front. He is actually really buff. Almost, no, every school we have gone to, girls are always around him. I kind of feel bad for the guy. But he likes the praise. I grab my phone and my Aqua colored backpack that has brown straps, and put it over my shoulder. I head down the stairs to our kitchen and see Grayson digging in to the bacon plate. "So I guess you weren't planning on saving any for me?!" I laugh and give him a playful push. "Oh yeah...*munch*" he says and starts to take some out of his mouth. "Ew Grayson! Never mind" I say to him rolling my eyes and walking towards the pantry. I grab a banana and a water bottle. "Bye mom!" I say waving at her and I open the front door and hop into Grayson's dodge truck. It's really pretty and I'm surprised he can actually pay for this. "Bye sweetie. Have a wonderful day!! Grayson." My mom says giving an eye at him. "Yeah mom I got her. She'll be fine." Grayson says with a calm and soothing voice that relaxes my mom. "Ok, good bye you two." "Bye mom" Grayson says and closes the front door and hops into his truck. "You excited!" Grayson says as he turns on the radio. "Uh, yeah I guess" I reply. "Look sis, it's going to be ok. I won't let any guy try and hurt you." He smiles and looks back at the rode. "Yeah I know you will" I smile back at him. After last year, I couldn't stay in one spot with out a guy trying to take advantage of me.

I think about what happened with Taylor and get chills down my spin from that night.

"We're here" Grayson says as he steps out of his car. I get out of the car and place my feet on the parking lot. "Wow!" I say. "This school is huge" Grayson says as we stand next to each other at the front of his car and look at the school. We see a whole bunch of crowds. There are the jocks, that wink, smirk, and lick their lips as they look at me. I roll my eyes disgusted and walk a little closer to Grayson. "Hey, it's gonna be ok." He assures me. "I know" I smile at him. Then we past the popular girls who bite their lips when Grayson walks by them. We both laugh under our breaths. Then we past other people who just stare and don't really care that there are new kids attending their school.

We walk to the office which is filled with old ladies. "Hello you two." One of them sitting at the front desk says. "Hi" Grayson and I say at the same time. "We need our schedules please." Grayson says in the nicest way possible. "Oh yes of course. What are your last names." The lady looks at me. "Dolan." I say to her. "Dolan, Dollan, Dolan" the old women says as she looks through some files "Dolan, DOLAN!!" She says happily and hands each of us our schedules. "Thank you" we both say and we walk out of the office.

"My first class is history with Mrs. Hike. What about you." I say to Grayson as I look at his schedule. "Uh Science with Mr. Luck." He says "ok well it looks like we have the same lunch, so I'll see you then. Hey you be careful." "I will!" I say. "You better. Love you." He says. "Love you too" I say with a smile. And he both walk in the opposite direction as each other.

"Hey, I'm Cameron, nice to meet you" this guy with brown hair and these hazel eyes you can just get lost in, and he looks really buff. He's probably about 3 inches taller then me. "Hi! I'm Jordyn!" I say and shake his reached out hand. He smiles and I smile back. Wow his jawline it's just so perfect, he looks like a model. "You new?!" He says to me and breaks our hands apart. "Uh yeah. Can you tell?" I say with a laugh. "Just a bit." He chuckles. "So what class do you have first" he asks me taking my schedule. He examines it for a couple seconds. "Oh cool! You're in three classes with me! I'm in your history, science, and math class" he says handing me back my schedule. "Awesome. I'll know someone!" I say and smile. "Yea you will" he smirks. "Let me lead you to your first class which I am in" he laughs "okay thanks!" I say to him happy I met him or else I would have known nobody. "Yeah no problem!"

We get to the class and Cameron takes his seat in the back. He waves me to come sit next to him. I walk over and people all stare at me. Some smile, others look disgusted, and some whistle. I take my seat next to Cameron right before the bell rings. "Good morning class! Hope your weekends were all awesome. I know mine was! I got to see my granddaughter and my son in law. Well, today we have a new student. Uh Jordyn Dolan." She looks at me and smiles. "Hi Jordyn. Well we just started a new chapter, so I'm sure Cameron can catch you up on some things you missed." She smiles again and starts to teach. Cameron smiles at me and I smile back he helps me sort my notes and tells me what to read.

The bell goes off telling us that it was time to go to the next class. Cameron leaves before I can even get out the door. I get up ,and am stopped by a girl a couple inches shorter then me. Cameron looks back at me and starts laughing as this girl approaches me. "Hey! I'm Zoe!" She says and puts out her hand for me to shake. "Hi" I say. "Would you wanna seat with me at lunch? I know since your new you might not know anyone yet!" She explains "actually I met Cameron, he's really nice. And kinda cute." I say to her. And laugh a little. She starts to laugh. "Haha, yeah only when he wants to be." She continues laughing. I give her a confused look. "We are siblings. Yeah he's really annoying but I mean he is a boy." She says. "I can tell the resemblance. Between you two" I say. "Aha, yeah, well let's go to your next class!" She says and we walk out of the classroom.


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