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When I wake up the next morning I am confused. How did I get into the bedroom? I don't remember going from the sofa to bed. Or did i? Funny, somehow I only remember that James and I sat on the sofa and watched Grown Up's. At some point I must have fallen asleep. But then how did I get here? Did James......did James put me to bed? He must have done it. I can't explain it any other way. Yes, it must be, he must have carried me to bed. Even though I slept, I have to smile at the thought of lying in his arms, at least for a short time. Did James go back into the living room then? Or did he sleep in this bed too? Apparently not, the pillow next to me looks untouched. Somehow that makes me sad. Maybe I'm just misinterpreting all of this and he's really just being nice to me and only interested in me as a friend. Inwardly, I curse myself for somehow being emotionally attached to this man this time. This is just confusing. Even math in school never confused me that much, and I really wasn't good at it. A quick glance at the clock tells me it's just after 9am. I decide to get up and take a shower. Maybe this will help me to bring some order to the chaos in my thoughts. I grab some fresh clothes and leave the room. Just as I step out the door, the door to the bathroom opens and James steps out. My eyes almost pop out when I see him. He's wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, his hair is wet and his torso - which appears to be made entirely of muscles - is glistening with moisture. Fuck! I mean...I was thinking about how he'd look without his clothes on. But what I see now far exceeds my imagination. Automatically, my gaze wanders from his face to his abs and further down. His metal hand is holding the towel together, fairly low on his waist. Still, I think I can see a slight bulge in the towel at the exact spot where his dick is. Please drop the towel, it crosses my mind. My thoughts are totally out of control again. And not only my thoughts. My hormones are boiling. I would love to just grab him and pull him back into the shower with me. It's only after a few seconds that I realize I'm staring at his crotch. God Vicky, it couldn't be more embarrassing. I gather all my willpower and tear my eyes away from it. But when I look back at his face and see the way he looks at me, I'm not sure if that's that much better. Because his gaze is so piercing and somehow..... turned on? I suddenly feel naked and kind of nervous. But not negatively nervous. More like "getting a present I've wanted for ages-nervous". Does it make sense? My whole body tingles and I can clearly feel moisture forming between my legs. But why is he looking at me like that? I just got up. My hair is sticking out in all directions and I'm still wearing my black, not exactly figure-hugging pajamas. I definitely look anything but sexy. But still he looks at me the same way I just looked at him. I'm probably just imagining it. Or can it be......can it be that he finds me just as attractive? James takes a step forward and is suddenly very close to me. Close enough that I can feel the warmth of his skin - as is the case after a hot shower. And his scent - clean and somewhat musky. Ok, pull yourself together. I still don't know what exactly is going on here. And maybe I'm so hormonal right now that I just imagine him looking at me like that.

Victoria: Sorry...... I just wanted to take a quick shower. I... I didn't know you were in the bathroom.

It almost seems as if James has now broken out of his rigid state as well. His voice sounds rough when he speaks.

Bucky: I'm done. You...... you can take a shower now.

He steps aside so I can go to the bathroom. I deliberately don't turn around again so as not to further inspire my mental cinema. I close the door behind me and lean against it. God, I have to ask him if he feels the same about me. I don't know how, but this tension between the two of us... a blind person could have seen it. There's something between us. But what? Now I have to calm down first. Who knows, maybe it will help if I take an ice-cold shower?

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