Return from holiday

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"OKAY SO IS THE DINING TABLE FITTED?" Harry Asked the people who were in front of him.

"Yes" replied Hermione checking to see whether the table is fitted.

"How about the doors?" Harry asked again

"Oh yeah I did that like yesterday I think" replied Sirius who had discovered a new nail polish set in the muggle stores and decided to buy them because he thought they were 'funny'.

"Okay how about the fish tank?" Said Harry. It was Hermione's idea of putting a fish tank up because she had read in a textbook that Fish tanks in a wizard's home make it look more prettier however many pureblood families won't do that considering the amount of muggle hate there is.

"Wait what fish tank?" Asked James Potter. Sirius looked up at Harry, quizzically. 

"You know the one with the gold fishes in them" said Harry

"Oh the oranges?" Asked Sirius." Yeah they are in the living room" 

"Ok good alright have we got-" but Harry was cut off by his mum, Lily Potter

"Harry relax, we've got everything we need alright sweetie? We just need to wait for them to come" she said soothingly

"Oh alright then. Should we go to the burrow now?" He asked. Lily nodded and all five of them (Harry, Lily, Hermione, James and Sirius) apperated to the burrow. 

Today was the day that the Weasleys were going to come back from their holiday and Harry and the others couldn't wait to see them. Since their idea of building a new home for them, the five of them had been very busy with the building and planning (with James and Sirius things were ten times more difficult) and eventually got there in the end, at about the right time. The next plan was that the Weasleys were going to come and they will hang around the old burrow for a while until Harry and Hermione announce that they have to show all of them something. The all five of them, familiar with the location, will apparate them to their new home, that they can start living in. If everything went by plan, then hopefully the Weasleys can move in by that night. However with two of the marauders present (the most mischievous ones) no one know what was going to happen.

About an hour later, they heard a knock on the door. Lily looked at them, telling them to go to their starting positions (they planned a script for all this) and went to go get the door open. Meanwhile, Harry and Hermione went upstairs, Sirius went to the kitchen and James sat on the couch. 

When Lily opened the door, she saw all the Weasleys standing there, like she had expected. As soon as she opened the door, a loud 'Hello' was heard from all 9 Weasleys.

"Hello! Welcome back Weasleys come on in your house! Don't worry we haven't wrecked it!" Said Lily laughing as the Weasley she came in, looking around Andy putting their things to one side.

"Hello how was your holiday?" Asked James

"It was great! I loved it" came a shout from Ginny

"Yeah very fun actually" said the twins

"Excellent weather" said Bill 

"Very beeautiful" said Fleur

"Oh amazing but I'm really exhausted now" said Molly

"I simply adored the aeroplane! They are very fascinating things! And there was phelly tones and  ekelctricity, and lots of muggles things that I loved!" Exclaimed Arthur

"Where's Harry and Hermione?" Asked Ron who had been looking around to spot them

"I don't even where they are in the house. Why don't you all go on a little inspection to see if the house is nice?" Suggested Lily. Some of the Weasleys sat down while Molly, Arthur, Ron and Ginny went around. As they were just about to reach the kitchen, Sirius came out, swinging elegantly, with a plate of tea and biscuits.

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