Chapter 1- the starting of mystery

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He has done it. Voldemort is gone. The war is over. Everyone is safe from him. Harry Potter couldn't believe of what he just done because this was not something an ordinary person would do. He thought about what happened, how all of this started and everything that has happened in his life. All he could do was think about everything. While thinking, he thought of all the dead: Remus and Tonks, Fred, Moody, Sirius, Cedric, His parents. They all died for a reason. He knew it but just couldn't take it in.           

'Harry' said a soft voice. He turned around and saw Ron and Hermione, his two best friends who have been loyal to him ever since he met them. Without thinking, he hugged them both hard, as though he had never before and they hugged him back because he knew that they knew as well: there was a new beginning.

'I'm really sorry' said Harry, pulling away and feeling guilty.

'For what mate?' asked Ron

'For putting you two in danger of risking your own life countless times.And not just last year.' replied a guilty Harry.

'Harry we were the one who chose this. We chose to come with you and put our lives I  danger. Anyway we are alive right now. That's all that matters.' replied Hermione, sympathetically.

'I'm so lucky to have friends like you guys' said Harry

'Yeah count yourself lucky mate. Somehow I don't think friends would actually climb onto a dragon and jump off into a freezing cold lake and break into hogwarts while there is a 90% chance of being killed' said Ron

Harry couldn't help but laugh and Hermione caught up with him. 

'And by the way Harry, I know that you will be thinking that the reason  people who died was your fault. It was not. They died fighting a war.'  Said Ron seeing the look on Harry's face.

'Yeah Harry it's ok don't worry' assured Hermione

'I don't know where you got your mind reading skills from but thanks so much guys' said Harry with a smile on his face.

And then everyone came and hugged him, congratulating him for his achievements even though there were many who helped and then he went back inside. He saw everyone, happy even though they might have lost their families. He saw his mates Dean and Seamus, bruised and injured, but still alive. He saw Parvati talking to Professor Trelawney, even though her sister just died. But mostly he noticed the Weasley family, who were all talking to different people and even though they lost Fred, they were still happy. That was the only emotion in the room right there; Happiness. Then he remembered something. He beckoned Ron and Hermione to follow him and went to a hidden part of the great hall( there was barely any as there were many people and the castle was destroyed). Harry decided it was right to do this.

'What happened Harry?' Asked Ron with a perplexed face. 

'I thought I can maybe remend my wand using the elder wand' replied Harry

'That might work as the elder wand I saw the most powerful wand in the world' Agreed Hermione.

'Can I have my broken wand please?' asked Harry

'Here' said Hermione holding the bag out to him.

Harry took his broken wand out from Hermione's bag and held the elder wand above it

'Reparo' he said

Then suddenly the wand burst together and red sparks shot out of it: he knew it was fixed.

'I'm going to put the elder wand back with Dumbledore, he was the true master of it'said Harry

Ron and Hermione nodded to agree. Then suddenly there was a loud pop that came from the great hall. Everyone started screaming and the Ginny ran up to them. 

'Harry! You won't believe what just happened!' exclaimed Ginny 

'What's going on Ginny?' asked Ron

'All the dead bodies are gone of our side are gone.' she replied.

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