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THE NEXT DAY, Luna and Neville came to help. At exactly 8 am on the dot, they both arrived, Neville having apparated Luna. They knocked on the fuzzy door and waited for the reply. After a few minutes, they knocked again and heard someone tumbling down the stairs. Luna, curiously looked through the window and saw Harry sitting in an unusual and uncomfortable position. It don't take long to realise what had happened.

"Neville open the door" said Luna in her usual dreamy voice

"But they should open the door" replied Neville, puzzled 

"Oh but ie just seen Harry sitting in an awkward position at the bottom of the stairs. And I think he needs help" said Luna calmly

Neville, surprised at how calmly Luna said that, unlocked the door using a penknife Harry had got for him (he had duplicated it for him after the war) and opened the door. Harry was rising from his position, rubbing his hands and still in his pyjamas.

"Hi guys " he muttered sleepily "I didn't expect you to come this early"

"You said so. You said you'll be awake by 8 in the morning" questioned Luna 

"Did I?" He asked. It was clearly obvious that he had forgotten. Before either of them could say anything however, a pretty face with bright red hair appeared right next to the wall of the stairs.

"Hiiii" said Hermione, stepping down the stairs, in her shirt and leggings.

As soon as Harry saw her, he got up and held her up on the wall.

"What did u think u were doing huh? HUH?" He shouted the sat words at her as she took his hand and threatened to push him to the ground(Sorry I just came from a maze runner addiction)

"Woah what's going on here?" Asked Neville

"Take your dirty hands off me you piece of trash and LET ME DOWN" Hermione shouted

Something was definitely wrong, thought Neville and Luna as Harry slowly let her down. Then they both looked at each other and started laughing really hard.

"Err are you guys okay?" Asked Neville 

"Yep We are fine" Hermioe replied while laughing

"Basically Hermione pushed me right down the stairs like two staircases up just for fun. And then I decided to put her up against the wall." Said Harry

"And that is common Harry and Hermione behaviour" replied a voice. Then Lily Potter  was there, swinging herself on the stair rails.

"Yes the house is pure chaos now." She continued as she came to hug Neville and Luna "with the Weasleys  gone, Harry and Hermione have gone crazy and James and Sirius... you don't even want to know" 

"Wow that is chaotic" agreed Neville

"I never thought Hermione would do that you know" replied Luna

"I guess I've been hanging around Ginny too much" she replied glancing at Harry and laughing

"So are we going to get on with our planning you know?" Asked Neville

"Yep just let me get changed" Said Harry 

"I'll make breakfast" said Lily dashing off to the kitchen

"Sit down guys let's talk about what's been going on" said Hermione as they sat in the sofa, talking. 

•After The War• | lf they returnedWhere stories live. Discover now