A Grand Entrance

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Hi I'm a Nomu.... You may be wondering what that means well. You'll see

This is very....... Strange.... I was sent through a portal straight into a very bright place full of sunshine and....... People?

"Ok this is nice" I stare ahead as I watch several things happen all of them more interesting than the last

Torture, experiments, forced to commit brutal actions. All of this I went through flawlessly. I was so flawless they think I am actually under their control. I still need to do this however... A distraction. Fighting All Might should be enough as they celebrate I will escape.

"Stay behind until all of the cannon fodder is gone.... Then take down Eraserhead" "All right simple enough to do" Shigaraki then launches forward charging at Eraserhead

I follow trying to stay out of direct line of sight of Eraserhead as I watch Shigaraki fight with them. "Wow. You really are so cool!" Shigaraki remarks as I move behind Eraserhead

"Oh by the way hero..." I accidentally step to hard on the ground as the hero turns and looks up at me "Um hi?" "Im not the final boss"

"Sorry" I smack the hero as his goggles fly through the air as I hear the familiar crack of a bone. He gets knocked onto the ground as I stomp on his arms and legs. He yells in pain as I then pin him down breaking his hand more.

"What do you think of him Eraserhead? He is the bio-engineered anti-Symbol of peace but you can call him Nomu" I lowly groan at the name "What does that even stand for?"

"Nomu keep playing" ugh "Sorry again" I slowly grab onto his arm as I begin to twist it until it breaks. He once again yells out in pain "You can erase people's powers. Annoying but nothing impressive. When faced with true devastating power you might aswell be a quirkless child"

I watch as the hero begins to move their head towards Shigaraki "No. What are you doing thats a stupid idea!?" I push his head into the ground lightly so he stops

Kurogiri suddenly appears next to Shigaraki as he whispers something into his ear. Shigaraki then begins to scratch his neck "Thats not good"

"Kurogiri. You fool. If you weren't our warp gate I would tear apart every atom of your body!........... Hah it's over we stand no chance if dozens of pro heros arrive. Let's go home"....... I stop squeezing the hero.

"What.... No.... My freedom is so close. My purpose almost complete... AND THEY GIVE UP!?" I grin in frustration as I look down at the pro. "Oh but first we should make sure he is broken... Let's wreck his pride!"

It was all so fast as Shigaraki quickly rushed to the water... I looked over aswell and saw students. In that moment I let go of the hero. I watch him activate his quirk on Shigaraki. I don't stop him.

He grabs the girl student's face as it does nothing as they looked at him shocked "Hehehehe You really are so cool Eraserhead" I stand up from Eraserhead as I watch one of the students lunge at Shigaraki I in return use my body to block their punch

But mother fucker that hurt. The smoke clears as I stare down at the green haired student "Sorry but they have to see me kill Allmight" I pat their head as they stand there static as I grip the arm they used to punch me.

"That's quite a punch you got their. That smash of yours. Are you one of Allmights followers? Doesn't matter I'm done with this" Shigaraki once again lunges at the girl but I grab the student and toss them away lightly before I quickly do the same to the one in my hand and the small one.

"THE ONLY ONE DIEING RIGHT NOW IS ALLMIGHT!!!" *BANG* I look where the noise came from... And I saw my ticket to my freedom


I grin "About time"

Nomu's FreedomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora