The Night

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At night, I was preparing to go to bed when a maid came in and said

"Miss Eldest Miss sent you this soup for your health, I hope you like it. "

I was suspicious of the maid. After the maid was gone, I tested the soup with a silver needle, and as expected it was drugged.

I grinned and then poured the soup into a pot of plants.

I laid down in my bed, waiting to see what my step-mother had prepared for me.

*Later at midnight.*

A man slowly crept in Xue's room through the window. And walked towards Xue's bed. He was about to remove the bedsheet off Xue when suddenly she grabbed the hand of the man and broke his arm.

Then she threatened the man.

" Who sent you here? "

" The Eldest - eldest, miss. Please let me go. I'll do anything you tell me, just please let me go."

"You'll do anything I tell."

" Miss anything"

*In Yang manor.*

"My grace, I am sure that Xue will be caught for adultery."

" Coubine Ling, if you are wrong and caught slandering Xue, then you have to face the consequences."

" Don't worry my grace, I am not wrong, and you will see it in a minute."

Mrs Ling barged open the door. Xue acted innocent and spoke up

"Mother, what are you doing in my house so late at night. "

Mrs Ling was confused as to how Xue was unaffected by the drug, she went straight towards Xue's bed to see it completely empty. She fell back to find no one in her room.

"II saw a man enter Xue's manor, how can it be?"

Xue's father spoke up,

" how dare you slander Xue. She is the legitimate daughter of the Yang family"

Xue thought (time to mix up some spice)

"Father, if mother said someone entered the manor, there might me someone here, why don't we check the manor to be assured."

(what is this bitch up to?)

"That's a good idea,

Guards, check the manor thoroughly, no room should be left unchecked."

Suddenly, one of the guards spoke up.

" Your sire, we found something."

When they entered the room, they saw Mei in the room yelling at the guard.

" You peasant, how dare you. Who gave you the permission to barge into my mansion and search it. "

" Your sire, we found this in the second miss's closet."

They were shaken to their core when they saw the guard was holding a man's clothing.

Xue knew this would have happened, after all it was her plan. She didn't frame her of direct adultery, as she knew that Mei was smart enough to let the matron check her and prove her innocence. But what she planned was perfect, as there was no way out of this mess.

" F...f.father, I am innocent."

The General smacked Mei across her face

" No Mei, this time you have crossed the line, did you even consider what will happen to this family's reputation, my reputation."

" Through the generations your Grandfather, your Great Grandfather, has served this country. And you have ruined their reputation in one night."

Mei was startled and speechless.

Mrs Ling didn't utter a word in fear.

Xue on the other hand knew she needed to earn his father's favour.

Xue grinned and spoke up,

" father, maybe there is a way so that this word doesn't get out in the way we want it to."

" But Xue, how is that possible."

"Father, the dress is an exact build for your body shape which means that the story can be as, Mei actually wanted to stitch you a dress as a token of love between a father and a daughter. "

" Get over it, don't you know how cheap the material is." barraged Mei.

" Don't you feel ashamed to talk to your sister like that, who is trying to help you after what you have done."

Mei didn't talk any more as though she didn't do it, she neither had a way out.

" Then if that's the problem according to Mei, then let's say she is not good at embroidery, for which she used a poor material to practice her skills."


Xue's father held Xue's hand and thanked her.

He spoke up.

" T...t..thank you. If today, you wouldn't have been here today, I would have lost my respect that I have build over years."

" And I am also sorry that, for so many years, that I overlooked on you. As a father, I have not done my job well."

"It's okay dad, though you have not always been there for me, I forgive you as you mean everything to me."

[She is just like her mother]

Looks like I have discovered something interesting.

Grinned a man sitting on a nearby tree. 

Q & A Time.

Who was the man sitting on a tree.

1. An enemy

2. A friend

3. leave the answer in the comments

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