1. Welcome Back

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"I'm going to miss being a manager. I really am. But I feel like it's necessary at this point. Kiyoko?" You take a moment to meet her eyes. "I'm going to miss sitting on the bench and taking notes with you..."

You trail off, looking around at everyone. Why did they seem so sad?

Noya, Tanaka, and Hinata all had tears streaming down their faces. Kiyoko was discreetly wiping her eyes. And everyone else looked solemn and hollow.

"Why- why are you guys..." you then realize how vague you had been and start laughing. "oh my god, stop crying, I'm not leaving y'all!" You can't help but laugh at them.

"What do you mean," Suga asks.

"Guys, I'm not quitting. Just listen okay?"

They nod collectively, although the criers don't stop shedding tears.

"I've made my decision. It took me a while but.."

Everyone holds their breath, the anticipation killing them.

"I've decided to stay!"

They don't quite get it.

"I'm joining the team!"


You grin from ear to ear. "I want to play with you guys!"

As the whooping and celebrating started, Coach Ukai stared off in thought. Having you on the team would be nice. Hell, any new player was welcome. But you were a completely unknown force. Your jumping height, your play style, your skill level, all of those were unknown to him. Would having you on the team be a benefit or a hinderance? A million unanswered and half pieced together thoughts flew through his mind. He had a lottt of thinking to do.

Asahi put an arm around your shoulder, giving you a tight squeeze. "I thought you were telling us goodbye, man. My heart dropped all the way to my stomach. I'm really glad you've decided you join the team." His smile made your heart melt.

"Thank you, Asahi," you smile and hug him back.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Does this mean we can play together? Can I play with you? Or against you?" Hinata was so excited he was bouncing up and down.

You put a hand on his head and ruffle his hair. "I'm sure we'll get to do both at some point."

Hinata grins and jumps in the air. "Yes!" Then he runs off. "Kageyamaaaa, did ya hear that? Did ya?"

You turned as you felt someone touch your shoulder. "Don't scare me like that again," Kiyoko says. You smile softly and grab her hand off of your shoulder. "I'll do my best."

The high spirits was certainly a great way to start off practice. Everyone had newfound motivation and morale. Well, everyone except Kageyama.

Hinata had grabbed everyone's attention when he yelled at Kageyama. "How can you be so rude? Jerk-face Kageyama!"

Suga had a hold of the back of Hinata's shirt to make sure he didn't jump on Kageyama.

"I'm the only one being rational here!" Kageyama snapped. "(Y/n) doesn't fit in with our team at all. He's a wild card player! Not to mention his injury and the fact that he hasn't practiced in months. I know you guys are happy but we need to be thinking about the near future. Do we have enough time to adapt to having (Y/n) on the team or not? And," Kageyama gives you a look, "(Y/n) could be detrimental to have on the team."

"Kageyama, don't you think you're being a little insensitive right now?" Daichi asks.

"I'm being realistic. If we want to win, we need to stick to what works, not throw in a random variable into the mix that might screw our whole team dynamic up."

"Kageyama! You don't have to be so-"

"No, he's completely right," Coach Ukai chimes in, speaking for the first time since your announcement. "All the things he said are true. The team we have now is really good. If we throw in someone like (Y/n), it would completely throw off the balance we've established. Trust me, my mind has been reeling with all kinds of things."

All eyes seem to turn to you. "Well, I understand. I know there will be some concerns and bumps along the way but, I just want to play again. I dont care if I'm on the starting lineup, a pinch player, or a bench warmer. I just want the feeling of being on a team again. A team with players I trust. And I trust all of you. So Coach," you look him straight in the eye, "I want to be on the team. I want to play. Even if just for one rally. Please."

Coah Ukai sighs and then smiles. "Alright then, we'll work on getting you a jersey. Now then! Let's gather round."

Everyone gathered around and took a seat on the floor in front of Coach. You sat down next to Daichi with Ennoshita on your other side.

"Listen up. In a game that separated the best from the rest, we lost." The atmosphere suddenly got solemn. "Bluecastle is good. There's no denying that. And we werent as good as them. That is the unvarnished truth of where we stand right now. So! Today was the finals for our prefecture's inter-high qualifiers. The winner was shiratorizawa. Bluecastle was the runner-up."

Go figures they win, you thought to yourself. They win almost every year.

Coach continued. "Never mind the rest of the country... there are teams in our own prefecture better than bluecastle. We've got no choice but to grow and get better ourselves. I'm sure i dont have to tell you this, but our next big goal is the spring tournament. It's the biggest high school volleyball tournament outside of summer's national inter-high.

"Ever since it was moved up to january, opening it to participation by third year students, it has become, in the truest sense of the words.. the last game for them."

You look over at suga, daichi, and asahi reflexively.

"Back in my day, it was still run in march, so third years couldn't go. You have no idea how jealous i am. Anyway, how about we have the captain come up here and give you guys a little pep talk."You give a pat on the back as he gets up to talk.

"Once, years ago.. karasuno played in that tournament. We are going there again. Tokyo. Orange court." Daichi gives you all a serious look. Tanaka pumps his fist in the air.

"Awwww..." he starts off before everyone else jumps in "RIGHHHHTTTT!!"

A few seconds later, Takeda whipped open the gym door frantically, tripping and landing face first on the floor. He hurriedly gets back up, glasses askew and nose bleeding. "You are going to go, right?!"

"Go where?" you ask.

"Tokyo!" He says.

"Tokyo?!" Hinata copies. "Then.. that means..! We'll get to see nekoma again!"


Ah man it is wonderful to be back! I had a blast writing this first chapter. Can't guarantee when I'll be able to write the next chapter, but enjoy this in the meantime!

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