Daddy's type of love

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I looked at Teddy using our sibling telepathy - and big eye guestures- to ask him why the hell he woke dad.
" He was already waiting up and knew you left." He shrugged
Too tired to really care he turned his head to dad and dad nodded that he could return to bed.
Still frozen in place my dad walked up to me slowly as if contemplating weather or not to smack me or just disown me all together.
"Your parents know where you are Jason?" My dad asked flicking his gaze at him.
"Dropped them a text already" Jason confirmed
"Then you know where the guest bedroom is, I'll let your parents deal with you" He dismissed Jase.
The tension was so thick I don't think a knife is strong enough to cut it.
Stepping up to me he grabbed my face, inspecting it.
"What the fuck did you do to your face?"
Looking down at the floor I told him how the roads had been slippery and we ended up eating dirt.
"Dad, come on, we're fi-"
He held up his hand to tell me to stop talking.
"Go to your room. We'll discuss this tomorrow with your mother." He sounded exasperated. I guess that's what happens when you have a daughter that sneaks out to go under aged drinking. Not like he didn't do worse at my age.
Nana and Pop tell me the stories. He should be the one to understand the most. Wanting to go out, experiment, have fun...even if it's illegal.

My dad walked me up to my room. Waited on my bed, with a first aid kit, while I washed up and got ready for bed.
While he cleaned my wound he asked softly: "What happened to my little girl that would cling to my leg when I walked out the door for work every morning?"

A small smile came to my lips as I thought back to those times. My mum thought it was just the cutest so she had taken more than a million pictures and videos of me crying and whining at my dad not to go...and a few time he actually did ditch work to play tea parties and watch barney with me.
Those memories were the best. Knowing that he didn't want me to be upset and cry superficial tears for a second and stayed home.
"Come one dad. You know what it's like when you were my age. Nana told me the times you did worse and in the house no less!"

He looked me straight in the eye and told me, grimly: "You and I both know that it was different..."

My eyes traveled down to his bare chest and noticed the faint circular scars...He was right. He did that stuff to forget the pain and suffering, I'm just doing it cause it's fun and my friends are doing it.
I closed my eyes as dad put the bandage over my gash.
"I'll call Nana in the morning to check it up."
My dad look over my face, his hand still over my cheek with the bandage. He looked sad.
"I love you, Daddy"
I looked back at him wanting him to stop looking like he didn't know who I was.
"Trying to soften me up are we?" He said with a glimmer of amusement in his eye and I felt better.
I leaned into his arms to hug him. Resting my cheek on his chest. He kissed the top of my head and said: "I love you so much Esme. So much. I don't know what I'd do if i lost you"

I didn't know what to say so i just tucked my head against his chest and savoir his warmth that only he can give.

Daddy's little rebel Where stories live. Discover now