Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hours passed, then days, and then weeks. The dwindling summer turned fully to autumn, and the trees in the valleys bled with vibrant shades of orange, red, and yellow. Each day the nights got longer, and the chill in the air got stronger. Each day Peacemaker watched as, slowly but surely, the gaping hole in Seeker's heart began to heal.

There had been good days and bad. Sometimes she seemed completely normal – happy, full of energy, and completely present in the moment. Then there were the mornings where she didn't even have the strength to get out of bed, or the nights when he caught her pacing restlessly up and down the halls. Those were the times when Peacemaker worked hardest to be with her.

Whether it meant staying up talking or sitting there saying nothing at all, Peacemaker was mostly just concerned with making himself an anchor that could keep Seeker from drifting off into darkness. Many nights she would fall asleep curled up beside him. Many nights he would awaken to find her quietly crying into his shoulder. There was nothing he could say that would make that better, and all he could really do was stay by her side.

Besides Peacemaker, Seeker soon found that she had other dragons ready to catch her if she fell. Cliff and Auklet both agreed to help without hesitation, and were unwavering in their dedication to their friend's wellbeing.

Auklet surreptitiously slid her sleeping mat closer to Seeker's bed each night, so she could hear if her clawmate needed to be awakened from a bad dream. On more than one occasion, she had to talk Seeker down from the dizzying sense of panic that would follow her back from her nightmares.

Meanwhile, Cliff used his natural speed and inexhaustible energy to help on the days when Seeker just didn't have the strength to get anything done. He brought her schoolwork, offered tasty snacks, and took care of any chores that needed to be done.

Mostly, they all just made sure that Seeker never felt alone, and they watched as her pain seemed to dull just a little each day.

The first time Seeker talked about her father and smiled, Peacemaker knew she was going to be okay. There would never be a day when the loss didn't hurt, but she would get through it. She would find her happiness again.

One particular morning, Seeker woke up in good spirits, though her heavy, bloodshot eyes hinted that she had probably cried herself to sleep.

"How are you doing today?" Peacemaker asked when he met up with her in the Great Hall.

"I'm all right," she replied, "just had a bit of a rough night."

Peacemaker nudged her shoulder affectionately. "You know, we have a free period first thing this morning. And not too long ago, I recall you saying something about wanting to put my baking skills to the test. Well, there's no time like the present."

Seeker grinned with delight. "Now, that would be an excellent way to start the day."

This decision would lead the four friends to a cave smelling of sugar, vanilla, and honey. Large brick ovens lined one wall, and cabinets full of ingredients lined the other. In the middle of the room were rows upon rows of wood tables stacked with cooking utensils, while various pots and pans dangled from hooks on the ceiling.

The teacher of this class – a portly MudWing named Pickerel – liked to give the students a chance to have fun during their free periods. So long as they weren't swinging from the ceiling or trying to set the cave on fire, they could pretty much do whatever they wanted.

There were only a small number of students in the classroom that morning, each focused intently on their own tasks. There was a pair of SandWings cheerfully making some kind of desert flatbread, and a very young SeaWing listening curiously as Pickerel walked him through the ins and outs of how to use the oven.

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