Chapter Nineteen

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Peacemaker was sitting in the Great Hall, staring up at the newest piece of art draped beneath a row of small, bristling stalactites. It was a beautiful weaving, with shades of green, orange, purple, and blue, stitched together to look like the mountains at dawn.

Framing the weaving was a wreath of vines, carefully dried and twisted together to form a neat garland. That was Peacemaker's contribution. Seeker had then added the little berry-shaped charms, making the wreath look like a mystical plant bearing shiny, copper-colored fruit.

Right in the center of the weaving sat a small piece of music, threads of yarn stitched carefully around the edges of the paper. It was labeled Summer's End, and though Peacemaker couldn't read sheet music himself, he had heard Cliff play the song on an odd string instrument called a lute. It was hard to comprehend how the loud, rambunctious SkyWing could write something so calming and peaceful.

All of their efforts combined had made this single piece of art – something Auklet could contribute to without feeling like the spotlight would fall on her alone.

"I think it turned out really well," Seeker's voice said as she made her way into the entrance cave from a smaller side tunnel.

Peacemaker turned to look at her as she sat down beside him. "I think you're right," he agreed.

She nudged him affectionately with her shoulder. "You did good."

"Me? But I didn't do any more than you guys."

Seeker rolled her eyes and let out an impatient sigh. "Oh, for moons' sake! You know, sometimes I could just smack you for being so clueless. But I'd hate to ruin that handsome snout."

Peacemaker touched the end of his snout with a gratified smile. "You think it's handsome?"

"Sort of handsome. Like ... moderately handsome. Whatever description will wipe that insufferable look off your face."

"Hey, I'll take it," he declared, puffing out his chest so that the strawberry pendant clattered noisily against his scales.

Seeker chuckled despite herself, readjusting her tail so that it draped across his.

"Did your father write you back?" Peacemaker asked her.

"The messengers weren't at the mail cave yet," Seeker replied, nodding her head to indicate the tunnel she had just come out of, "but I'm going to go check again later tonight."

"I'm sure it will be there by then."

Seeker nodded. "It would just be nice if the mail ran more than once a week. I'm dying to know what Father thinks about our project," she said, shifting her talons impatiently. "I wish he lived closer, so I could show it to him in person."

Peacemaker smiled, relieved to hear Seeker talking about her father without all the fear and dread that had plagued her in those first days after their return from the Night Kingdom.

"Maybe he can come visit soon," Peacemaker suggested, "since it sounds like he's been feeling so much better recently."

Happiness and apprehension crossed Seeker's face in equal measure, as if she were afraid to hope for that day when her father would be strong enough to fly all the way to Jade Mountain on his own.

"Yeah. Yeah, maybe he could," she said, trying her best to conceal the excitement in her voice. "He did say that the new herb mixture the healers are trying seems to be making a big difference. He thinks he might even get back to smithing soon."

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