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How long do you guys want me to continue this?
I have next to no ideas for plot, soooooo Idk how long this is gonna last.

Shinobu's POV (shortest POV ever):
Perched upon the dainty boughs of a single, young wisteria tree, I gazed into the dense fog with a curious expression. As much as I wished I could see what was going on on there, I couldn't see so much as one inch into the low-hanging cloud. Every so often I'd catch the tiniest glimpse of a glowing feather drifting through the cloud, or I'd see the top of Sabito's head moving slowly across the street, but that was it.

I caught my foot tapping impatiently on the smooth bark underneath me, and quickly stilled the unnecessary movement.

This is Sabito's mission, not mine. I'm only here to judge him and make sure he doesn't get ripped in half.

A deep growl resonated through the fog, drawing my attention to a street a few houses down. The threatening sound came from everywhere and yet nowhere, as if the individual water droplets were growling in the place of the demon.

I wonder how Tomioka would react if I wasn't able to bring him back?

Sabito's POV
I faced the fog demon with as much courage as I could muster, dropping into a fighting stance. Pushing off of the ground, I made a test swipe towards the demon's nape, hoping to finish it off in one hit. As soon as my blade got close enough to nick the skin, it dropped to all fours, grabbing my katana with a tendril of mist and flicking me off to one side.

Righting myself in midair, I skidded to a halt and darted away just quickly enough to dodge being walloped in the stomach by it's hind legs. Instead, it made contact with the wall, collapsing the side of the house and sending a shockwave through the fog, knocking me off my feet.

So it fights like a wild animal. I ducked a blow from it's sharp front hooves, slicing one off at the knee with my sword. It let out a shrill whine, balancing on three legs while I forced it to fight defensively, aiming my cuts at it's legs, hindquarters, and neck.

It regenerated it's leg and snapped at my head with it's gaping jaws, catching my hair and yanking hard on it. Thinking on the fly, I sliced the peach-colored strands about halfway down. The demon growled, for a moment sounding almost like it was speaking.

Consequently, the fog thickened, and I returned to covering my mouth and nose with my sleeve.

This demon's blood demon art is infuriatingly hard to deal with.

Knowing it was no longer something I could cut into, I took back to exploring the village, always keeping one eye on the mist around me for the slight movement that indicated an attack. Something hit me square in the back, and I held out both my hands to catch myself before I hit the ground, rolling to one side and springing back up with my sword at the ready.

Nothing was there. Sighing lightly with relief, I continued down the street.

Not a minute later, I heard a soft sniffle coming from my right.

I know that noise.

Instinctively, I followed the noise until I came across a boy in his early teens, dressed in a muted red haori and black hair done up in a loose ponytail. It took a full three seconds for the pieces to click together in my brain.


The boy looked up at the ground in front of him, tears leaking out of his ocean-blue eyes.

"Are you going to be okay?," a feminine voice whispered, her small voice echoing around me.

The image of Giyuu opened his mouth, struggling to form words for a second before saying "As long as Sabito is okay, I'll be fine."

We'll protect each other (SabiGiyuu)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ