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Okay, just a warning, I absolutely SUCK at writing angst.
I apologize in advance for my bad writing in this chapter.

Sabito's POV
"What do you mean by 'something stupid'?" Tanjiro asked.

I spun on my heel, the edge of my sandal digging into the soft ground. "I don't know, but I don't want to find out." Picking up whatever scraps of courage I could, I dashed into the forest after Giyuu. I followed his trail for a while, and after a little bit of just running around aimlessly, I came to recognize the features of the land around me.

He's headed towards my boulder.

I decided to continue in the trees, so I leapt like a frog onto the nearest branch, gaining height with each bound. Soon, I was peering into the clearing that housed the broken rock I had spent so long trying to cut. My eyes darted around the clearing, and I quickly spotted the hashira hunched in the shadow of the boulder.

Wow it feels so different to refer to Giyuu as a hashira.

The setting sun cast a warm orange glow over the tops of the trees, pushing everything below into deep shadows. I slowly lowered myself onto a different branch, one with small twigs growing out of it. The younger wood shifted uncertainly under my weight, as if deciding whether to snap or not.

With a dreadful crack, the branch broke off of the tree, plummeting down to the ground. Giyuu heard the sudden noise and jumped to his feet, pulling his katana out of it's sheath. I cursed silently and landed on my feet, a million thoughts racing through my head.

I let out a shaky breath, emptying my lungs before drawing in fresh air through my nose.  Now that I had calmed down a fraction of a percentage, I slowly stepped out of the line of trees, and into the clearing. As soon as he saw me walk out of the brush, Giyuu's katana fell to the ground, the quiet clatter muffled by the fine grass it landed on. An uncertain, shocked expression crossed his face as he stood stock still in the center of, what seemed like, our own little world.

"Looking for me?" I chuckled quietly.

Tears began to well up in to hashira's blue eyes, and in an instant I was in front of him, pulling him into a comforting hug. I felt his hands grip the back of my haori tightly, as if I would disappear if he let me go. I also noted with a internal smirk that I was still an inch or two taller than he was.

"This- is this real? Or is this all in my head?" He asked quiety, his voice quivering as he wrapped his arms over my shoulders tentatively.

"This is real. I'm here, Yuu." I murmured, petting his hair gently with one hand.

Giyuu leaned into me, his whole body trembling despite not shedding any tears.

"It's okay, Giyuu. You can cry if you need to." I spoke softly.

I watched with a sad expression as he broke down his mental barrier, sobbing quietly into my chest. Slowly, I guided him down to sit on my lap facing me.

"I-" he sniffed. "I thought you were dead! I thought... I'd never see you again." He said through his tears.

"I know. I'm so sorry I didn't come find you sooner," I whispered, rubbing comforting circles on his back.

The sun was no longer visible, and if I tried, I could see the stars twinkling from behind wispy clouds. Yet, the mountain seemed peaceful, all demonic presences magically dispersed. Not a single cricket chirped, the only sounds were those of the wind and leaves playing their symphony, accompanied by the subsiding cries of the broken water hashira.

When he was done crying, Giyuu rested his forehead on my chest tiredly. "You're sure I'm not dreaming, right?" He mumbled.

I let out a quiet laugh. "I'm certain. Why, do you dream about me often?"

Giyuu sighed. "All the time. But you die in front of me in each one, right before I get close enough to embrace you." He shivered slightly.

Has my 'death' haunted him all these years?

"We'll I'm here now, and I'm never going to leave you ever again." I stated reassuringly.

"But what if something happens to you? What if I can't protect you??"

With the two of us sitting under the stars, I recalled one night as children when I comforted him regarding Final Selection. He'd been so worried one of us wouldn't make it, and back then, I hadn't given his worries a second thought. But the real test was like a reality check. We were only human, we could be beaten down, killed. Once we died, nothing could bring us back.

I pulled him closer to me protectively and kissed the top of his head lightly. "Don't worry, Yuu. We'll protect each other."

He raised his head a little. "You said the same thing last time, that one night before Final Selection."

I smiled. "I know, I repeated it because it's true. I'll do my best to take care of you, and you can so the same for me, alright?"

His mood darkened. "Don't trust me with your life, Sabito. I'm useless when it comes to protecting the people I love."

"Hey, not true, okay?"

He spoke before I could continue. "Yes it is. I've gotten you injured near-fatally at least twice! If I could've defended myself, none of this would have happened."

"None of that was your fault." I lifted his chin so he was looking at me. "I chose to throw myself in front of you, and I chose to battle that mutated demon so you wouldn't have to. I did it then, and I'd do it again now."


I cut him off by pressing my lips softly against his, moving one of my hands up to cup his face gently. I felt him stiffen, then slowly melt into the kiss, hugging me like he had when we were kids. His arms wrapped around my upper back, and I pulled away to look into his deep blue eyes. I wiped the tear stains off of his face, gazing lovingly at the slayer sitting not an inch away from me.

"I love you, Giyuu." I grinned, resting my forehead on his.

He stared directly into my eyes, as if trying to see whether or not I was lying.

"I love you too."

I'm so sorry if the writing is bad! I kind of rushed the ending because I need to do math homework T^T
Anyways, have a great rest of your day! I'll try to publish chapters more often.

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