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Rewind time a bit

Sabito's POV
The quiet crunching of leaves under my feet could be heard in the forest, alongside the gentle sway of tree branches and the occasional caw of a crow. I was just wandering around the mountain, trying to think of something to spend my time on when I saw a flash of muted red through the trees. I quickly ducked behind one of the thick trunks, pressing my back against the wood.

1... 2... 3... 4... 5...

Slowly, I peered around the tree. I saw a ravenette with a red haori, walking along a path that led up the mountain. I looked closer, and sure enough, I could see the sheath of a sword tucked under the fabric of his haori.

Who is that? They seem familiar somehow.

I clambered up into the tree's boughs, traversing the gaps between trees until I had a better view of the demon slayer. As soon as I laid eyes on him, he stopped walking and turned around, too fast for me to catch a glimpse of his face. I noticed him finger the hilt of his sword before continuing on.

I should follow him.

So I did, trailing him all the way up the mountain, always stating far enough away to remain undetected, but keeping an eye on the man at all times. At one point, he took such a sharp left I almost lost track of him. When we reached Giyu's boulder, I watched curiously as he ran one hand over the giant rock, and sliced one of the halves in two.

Why would he do that?

I was so focused on trying to figure out who the person was, that I didn't see Tanjiro walk up to him. Their voices were faint from this far away, but I could still tell what they were saying.


I nearly fell out of the tree. The only reason I didn't was because I caught a branch above me with one hand, and quickly yanked myself back up against the trunk.

"Good afternoon, Kamado."

"What- what are you doing here?"

Did I hear that first thing right? I sprung onto a different tree, one with a view of his face. Holy flip-

I instantly recognized Giyu, I could never mistake him for anyone. But as overjoyed as I was to see him, his facial expression broke me. Subconsciously, I gripped the branch tighter. He looks emotionless. No- I could still make out some emotion of his face, even if others couldn't. He's sad. Maybe even depressed. I clutched the fabric over my heart with one hand. Oh god- is this my fault?

As they continued their short conversation, I couldn't take my eyes off of Giyu.

"Look, Kamado, I need you to tell me his name." His expression became visibly more desperate, and I could tell that Tanjiro could smell the emotions coming from him.

"I- I can't, he specifically told me not to tell anyone his name... if I could, I would."

Giyu clenched his fists. "Kamado, his name. That is an order coming from the water hashira. If the title means anything to you, tell me."

Water hashira?! I made a mental note to congratulate Giyu when I talked to him next, little fireworks of pride going off in my chest.

Tanjiro was at a loss for words. He slowly let his eyes trail up to where I was crouching, and he stared pleadingly into my eyes. I let out a small sigh and nodded slowly.

"Fine," he agreed. "His name is, um, Sabito."

Giyu's eyes widened. He looked dizzy, almost like he was about to fall over. "Sabito?" He whispered.

Tanjiro nodded slowly. "Are you okay, Tomioka-san?"

"Where is he," the hashira muttered.

The young slayer clearly hadn't ever seen him express strong emotions, so he didn't take his eyes off of the hashira as he pointed in my general direction.

Giyu nodded his thanks wordlessly and disappeared into the forest behind me. Tanjiro stared at me with a look that said 'What the hell just happened?' I sighed and jumped down, landing lightly on two feet.

"Why did he seem so, shocked?" The boy questioned me.

I glanced over my shoulder into the trees. "I'll explain it to you another time, okay? I have to find Giyu before he does something stupid."

Okay, short chapter, I'm sorry. I may come back and change a few things later.

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