CHAPTER NINE ! best unity day ever

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CHAPTER NINEbest unity day ever

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best unity day ever


junes almost dying count is now nine ! it would be ten but she actually died that time so it doesn't count

anyway this chapter is longer so that's funnn


june was stood next to raven, watching jahas speech. but today. today was special. it was unity day.

"my friends, this is an historic unity day. every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve station joined to form the ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. next year, on the ground." jaha smiled.

"right. after we did all the work. someone shut him up." miller spoke , june nodded.

"you shut up, miller. no one's forcing you to watch." raven told.

"for ninety-seven years, we have eked out an existence, hoping that someday our descendants would return to earth.." jaha spoke , june walked away. she had enough of jahas mumbo-jumbo. she found xena and ronnie talking.

"what, don't you guys love unity day ?" june spoke sarcastically.

"of course we do ! but, not when that asshole is making his stupid speeches. gives me a headache." xena told , ronnie nodded.

"oh, tell me something i don't know." june smiled.

"whoo ! yeah ! monty strikes again ! hey ! call this batch unity juice ! who's thristy ?" jasper yelled.

"adios, mi amigos. im off to get a drink." june smiled as she walked over to jasper. she held her cup in her hand and jasper poured some moonshine inside.

"m'lady." jasper bowed.

"oh, why, thank you, good sir." june smiled , she took a sip of the moonshine. june went back to the screen.

"to our sons and daughters on earth listening to this message, we will see you soon.  the first exodus ship will launch in under sixty hours, carrying you the reinforcements that you need, so stay strong. help is on the way." jaha spoke

"ah, screw you, jaha. we did all the work while you guys culled three hundred people for more air. i hope the exodus ship crashes." june mumbled.


it was now night and june was a little bit drunk to say the least. she had a few drinks , not enough for her to be black out drunk though. june saw bellamy eating an apple , she furrowed her eyebrows.

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