6* - Yes, my Queen.

Start from the beginning

His head was thumping far more than necessary. Ent could feel the stress swallowing him whole. They'd made about 1400 euros last night, which puts it at about 200, maybe even 250 glasses. Granted, a lot of those were most likely beer pints, but that was information he could no longer grasp. 

"Do you often scoop ice directly with the glass?" His temples were probably visibly pulsing as he asked.

"No. Maybe two or three times since I started working here," his voice was somehow quieter now. Everything was quieter now, except the sound of blood in Ent's ears.

Ent frantically looked around the bar full of unsuspecting clients, wondering how many of them have ruptured stomach linings or intestines because he hadn't taken the time to train his employees properly.

Wandering around the room, his eyes landed on the opening door, and watched Cassandra walk in with the same friend from last time. Hopefully, a friend.

Suddenly absolutely everything went quiet. It was like he'd muted the sound of the tv, but the sit-com was still going at full force behind the screen.

She locked eyes with him, smiling and greeting him with a nod as they walked toward the bar. Shit.

"We're only using the dispenser for ice tonight," he whispered to Tim. "The tray is off-limits."

With that, he tossed a towel on top of the ice demonstratively and looked at Tim, who nodded and went back to work. 

"Hi," Cassandra said as she rested her elbow on the bar counter. "Do you have any tables available tonight?"

"I-," he looked around, not spotting any, "no, guess not. You can sit at the bar, though. Sorry." 

"No, that's fine. We should've called ahead," she smiled politely. Why the fuck would she smile politely?! "Oh, this is Alex, by the way."

"Ent," he stretched his hand out to shake Alex'. "You can sit wherever you like," he said turning back to Cassandra. 

"We'll sit at the back, so we're not in your face." Stay in my face, please. In fact, sit on my face. "Should we order from the other bartender?"

"No," he answered quickly, really not wanting to serve her glass shards. Or maybe rocks, who knows what else Tim could decide to scoop ice with directly. "I'll take them, you get preferential treatment." 

"Okay, then." Jesus... The way she was watching him as Alex dictated their orders was sinful. It was the exact same look she gave him when he was jerking himself standing in front of her. He'd almost cum on the spot. "Two double vodka cranberries, please. And two bottles of still water."

"You can go sit down, I'll bring them over." He smiled at Alex, avoiding Cassandra's hot stare for the sake of the already-uncomfortable boner under his apron. 

The whole time they stayed there, through multiple rounds of vodka cranberries, of all things, they did not look away from Ent for more than a few seconds. 

It was clear they were discussing him. 

Could it be possible Cassandra was telling Alex about their encounter at the gym?

Yet another jolt of heat shot straight to his dick at the thought. The humiliation tasted sweet.

Every time he glanced over, at least one of them was looking at him as they talked. A tiny knowing smile was spread across Cass' lips, which made him blush like a high-schooler.

About two hours later, both of them left the table and Cass walked over to the bar and sat on one of the stools in front of the station where Ent had been working that night. He looked at her without saying anything but placed the two bottles of Prosecco he was holding on the counter.

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