2 - Needed a reason to strike up a conversation.

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Life here was a lot more stressful than Cass'd expected

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Life here was a lot more stressful than Cass'd expected. 

She was basically on-call 24/7, dealing with a client who didn't know what they wanted, vendors who didn't know how to estimate timelines and costs, and developers who were very damn close to ripping the client's heads off their shoulders. 

Of course, she was more than fairly reimbursed for her time and effort, but she was effectively a diplomat, a manager, and a fortune-teller since her team had decided she didn't need to know anything unless it became a problem big enough to make the project fall through.

It'd been less than a month, true, but she'd expected the team would've accepted her by now. 

During the interview process, when she'd asked why they were hiring and not promoting a manager, she'd been told it was because they needed an impartial new set of eyes to look at the project objectively.

One thing she had going for her, was that as long as the plan for the project was detailed and up-to-date, the researchers, analysts, and developers collaborated very well. The synergy between them was very nice to see, although it seemed like they only liked collaborating with each other and not her. 

She was out here again, having been running for the last 70 minutes, trying to figure out how the fuck she could get her teammates to accept her when those two guys walked in. 

The nice outgoing one and the one who acted like a teenager.

As usual, one of them nodded with a smile, while the other looked away and clenched his jaw.

Cass smiled back.

Those two were living proof that opposites attract. She'd rarely seen them without the other, but they were like night and day.

Just as she was about to restart the threadmill programme for the second time, her phone vibrated in her pocket.

Jack (Developer - Back-end)

Of course, she had to pick up.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she jumped off the treadmill, took her water bottle and walked outside.

"Hi, Williams," he started as soon as she held the phone up to her ear. "Sorry to call so late."

"It's my job, Jack, it's okay," she said politely, "and you don't have to call me Williams. I'm not a middle school teacher."

"I was calling to let you know how far we are," he ignored her correction, "or well, how far we aren't."


"There are problems with the code," he started. "I don't know, how detailed do you want me to be?"

"As much as possible, that way I can support you as well as I can."

"Well, we have the main code, right? And then we have backups of it, so in case something happens to the main code, we can recover the last backup of it." It was heartwarming how helpful he was being. "Well, what happened was, we forgot to back it up to the cloud yesterday, and the hard-drive backup wasn't set in place yet because we didn't have all that much..."

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