~Good Ideas

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"All daggers return to the carrier."

"Phoenix, you there?"

"Rooster, don't do it. Look, I know. She's gone."

"I promised and I never go back on my promises." 

"Rooster!" Switching off his comm, he pulls his plane around.


The sound of cracking wood is enough to pull Oakley out of unconsciousness. But as soon as she went to pull herself out of her aircraft or at least what is left of it, a sharp pain travels from her toes all the way to a blood curling scream that could be heard for miles. 

Turning to look over her shoulder, she gasps as she sees her leg. Or at least what is left of it. 

"That's not good babe." Speaking aloud, her voice is rough as an explosion rings out through the airspace. 

"I swear if that is the farm animal, I'll kill him." Positioning her arms to pull herself out, she rips a piece off her once finely pressed uniform to bite down on, she pulls herself out. 

The excruciating pain takes over her and blackness floods her vision.


Rolling up his parachute after he ejected, Bradley puts it in his pack and looks around. The quietness surrounding him is eerie but the black cloud of smoke coming from the tree line ahead of him. 

"Oakley!" Taking off running to the cloud, Bradley feels the panic rising as he runs past the wreckage of the F-18 Lieutenant St. James was flying. Spotting a figure in the snow, half falling out of the remainder of the craft, he runs over. 

"Oakley! Hey, hey. Oakley wake up." Tapping her face to pull her out, his eyes travel down her body to see her leg, and the rest of it in the pilot seat. Pulling his belt off he secures it to her leg above her knee, pulling it tight to keep her from bleeding out. Making sure her other injuries aren't as life threatening, he picks her up. 

"I'm sorry Oak, we gotta go." As he starts making his way back to the treeline where he came from, Oakley stirs in his arms. 

"Hey hey, I'm here." Putting her down against a tree, he sits beside her as she slowly comes back. "Welcome back, darling." 

"Roo?" She looks around quickly, shaking. "Hey hey, You are okay. I pulled you out. You are okay." Moving so he is on his knees in front of her, he grabs her hands to hold her. 

Taking a deep breath, Oakley suddenly pushes Bradley over so he ends up on his back in the snow. 

"What are you doing here?" Oakley questions, as Bradley stands, brushing the snow off. 

"What am I doing here?"

"You think I took that frickin missile so you could be down here with me because I missed you? You should be back on the carrier by now!" 

"I saved your life!" 

"No I saved your life! That's the whole point. What were you even thinking?" All this arguing is taking the little energy that Oakley has. 

Righteous - Bradley Bradshawحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن